- App is completely written in Kotlin
- App is completely reactive (we use coroutines and flow)
- For API communication, this app uses REST API, specifically Retrofit and OkHttp3 SDK libraries for Android
- App uses MVVM architecture with multiple modules
- App uses App Distribution from Firebase to distribute app to testers
- App respects Material design, don´t use anything from old Appcompat libraries unless you absolutely have to
- App supports only portrait mode (no landscape or tablets)
- Retrofit - network library
- Coil - Coroutine image loader
- Koin - dependency injection
- Moshi - parsing json
- Navigation Components
- Room - database
- Timber - logging
Use the Android Studio Build Variants button to choose from flavors:
- development - development server
- staging - staging server
- production - production server combined with debug and release build types.
It is necessary to add newly created module paths to build.gradle for detekt input files.
- Configuration file is 'detekt.yml'