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Output Pin Configuration

verybadsoldier edited this page Jun 28, 2019 · 1 revision

The firmware was initially designed to run on the PCB designed by mrpj (project founder) on an ESP-12F. The default output pin configuration is designed accordingly. However it is possible to use the firmware for other ESP-based boards as well (for example Wemos D1 mini based).

Using another board might need a different output pin configuration. This can be done by modifying the config parameter pin_config.

The value is a comma-seperated string of five numbers. Each number is indicating a pin number used for a specific output channel. The order is red, green, blue, warmwhite, coldwhite. A custom string suitable for any custom pin configuration can be entered as needed.

Example pin configurations:

Chip Type Pin Configuration String
mrpj PCB (ESP-12 E/F) 13,12,14,5,4
Shojo PCB (WemosD1 mini) 14,4,5,15,12

Versions: <TODO>