- In development, not working for current VerneMQ releases without the needed backend plugin
- Currently, there is no support for authentication and authorization plugins.
- There is no support for some build-in plugins as bridge.
In order to further develop the Admin UI or to create a new build pnpm is necessary.
- Download https://pnpm.io/
- Execute pnpm build
- pnpm should download all dependencies and sucessfully create a build
- Start the development server with pnpm dev
- As there is no real backend, you need to adjust vite.config.ts accordingly, so it points to a real VerneMQ node. Currently, there is no backend mockup, so you need test against a real broker.
A new build that can be tested with the backend vmq-admin-ui plugin can be created as follows:
pnpm build
aferwards there should be a new build in the dists directory which can be used with the vmq-admin-ui backend.
The VerneMQ API is based on the following template: vitify-next.