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dr.dimitru edited this page Jul 22, 2018 · 7 revisions
unlink(fileRef [, version, callback]) [Server]

Unlink file an its subversions from FS.

This is low-level method. You shouldn't use it, unless you know what you're doing.

Unlike fs.remove if callback is not specified it wouldn't throw an exception on error.

  • fileRef {Object} - Full fileRef object, returned from FilesCollection.findOne().get()
  • version {String} - [Optional] If specified, only subversion will be unlinked
  • callback {Function} - [Optional] Triggered after file is removed. If cursor has multiple files, will be triggered for each file. If file has multiple subversions, will be triggered for each version.
  • Returns {FilesCollection} - Current FilesCollection instance
import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files';
const Images = new FilesCollection({collectionName: 'Images'});
// OR:
Images.unlink(Images.collection.findOne({}), 'thumbnail');
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