This program reads video stream from a specified source and detects foreground motions on frames assuming static background. Stream fragments with motion will be written to a specieied folder.
For the description of configuration options see app.ini.
- Meson to build project;
- OpenCV >= 4.6.0 for background subtractor algorithms;
- Drogon for web server;
- Boost >= 1.78.0 for logging, ranges ang alrogithms;
- FFmpeg >= 5.1 for reading input files and writing output files.
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ meson setup --buildtype release
$ meson compile
$ meson install
# Or install to alternative location:
$ meson setup --reconfigure --prefix install
$ meson install
# Alternative with drogon from subproject:
$ meson setup --buildtype release -D use_subproj_drogon=true
$ meson compile
# Alternative with conan:
$ conan build . --output-folder build --build=missing -s build_type=Release --profile profile-gcc.ini
# Alternative with conan in venv:
$ python -m venv venv
$ ./venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
$ ./venv/bin/conan profile detect
$ ./venv/bin/conan build . --output-folder build --build=missing -s build_type=Release --profile profile-gcc.ini