This repository contains a bunch of stand alone experiments I'm using to evaluate different technologies.
Most of these experiments require just a simple http server. I use the standard http-server available via npm:
npm install -g http-server
Then when inside one of the folders just run to start the server and disable all caching
> http-server -c-1
Starting up http-server, serving ./
Available on:
Hit CTRL-C to stop the server
You can also use live-server to get similar functionality but with automatic reloading when any of your served pages changes.
Here's an overall list of what's in here:
- angular2-bootstrap-arguments - A demonstration of how external data can be provided to Angular during the bootstrap process
- angular2-multiple-applications - A simple POC that shows it's possible to bootstrap multiple Angular 2 applications on the same page
- topshelf-angular2-service-webpack - An example showing how to host an Angular2 and WebAPI website in a Windows service using Topshelf and webpack to self-host everything
- topshelf-angular2-service - An example showing how to host an Angular2 and WebAPI website in a Windows service using Topshelf
- angular2-signalr - A relatively simple SignalR server with an Angular 2 client (using a channel/event model)
- angular2-child-injectors - Exploring how angular 2 dependency injection works
- nadel-api-gateway-ts - An implementation of Ben Nadel's ApiGateway example using typescript
- angular2-template - A vanilla template used to create new Angular2 examples