Releases: veepee-oss/gingerspec
License changed from Apache 2 to ISC and header information updated in all relevant files
@ignore tag functionality is now executed in a hook and not an aspect since this was causing the aspectj pointcut not to be triggered when running the test in Intellij IDE as a cucumber java test
@runOnEnv and @skipOnEnv tag are now executed on a hook and not via aspects since aspectj pointcuts were not triggered when running the tests in Intellij IDEA as cucumber java tests
Added a new aspect (ifStatementAspect) that allows the conditional execution of steps during runtime
Optimized imports in all classes in the project
Fixed a bug in which comments were not correctly processed by the TestNGPrettyFormatter
Set a variable in a before hook to remove the warning coming from nashborn engine
Removed unnecessary docs folder from root
Small fix in logger name for CommonG class that was causing the @debug tag not to work correctly in all cases
Small update in JiraConnector. The search of the correct transition id by name is now case insensitive.
Comment posted to Jira now only contains path from the content root and not the full path.
Added a hook to change logging level at runtime (@debug, @trace, @info, etc). This is for debugging within IntelliJ IDEA.
Added information in the README file about the Jira tag hook.
Jira tags can now use brackets instead of parenthesis (i.e @jira[QMS-123]). This is because it can be problematic to run scenarios based on tags if the tags contain parenthesis (it is a reserved character for cucumber tags)
For Jira tags, the scenarios are now skipped at hook level using SkipException from TestNG. This is to improve the integration of GingerSpec with IntelliJ IDEA (aspects are not picked up when running tests as cucumber java in IntelliJ IDEA)
Added a new tag, @jira(QMS-123), that will allow users to skip the execution of scenarios based on the status of the referenced entities in Jira. this tag could also change the status of the entity in Jira based on the result of the scenario execution
Minor fixes in README file
Minor fix in footer message shown during tests executions
Removed references to old variables placeholders (!{}, @{} and #{})
Updated javadoc documentation for some rest steps
- Fixed problem that was causing the wrong body to be sent when using DocStrings in REST steps
- Fixed a small problem that was causing DocStrings to be incorrectly printed in the formatter
- Fixed logging messages in some classes
- Confluence repository in POM now uses HTTPS to avoid maven from blocking when resolving the dependency for avro serializer