License changed from Apache 2 to ISC and header information updated in all relevant files
@ignore tag functionality is now executed in a hook and not an aspect since this was causing the aspectj pointcut not to be triggered when running the test in Intellij IDE as a cucumber java test
@runOnEnv and @skipOnEnv tag are now executed on a hook and not via aspects since aspectj pointcuts were not triggered when running the tests in Intellij IDEA as cucumber java tests
Added a new aspect (ifStatementAspect) that allows the conditional execution of steps during runtime
Optimized imports in all classes in the project
Fixed a bug in which comments were not correctly processed by the TestNGPrettyFormatter
Set a variable in a before hook to remove the warning coming from nashborn engine
Removed unnecessary docs folder from root
Small fix in logger name for CommonG class that was causing the @debug tag not to work correctly in all cases