Code to calculate SR using the gradient method
File name: flux_calcV2.m This is a MATLAB file
For details about the gradient method to calculate soil respiration see:
Vargas, R. and M. F. Allen. 2008. Dynamics of fine root, fungal rhizomorphs, and soil respiration in a mixed temperate forest: Integrating sensors and observations. Vadose Zone Journal 7:1055-1064.
Vargas, R., D. D. Baldocchi, M. F. Allen, M. Bahn, T. A. Black, S. L. Collins, J. C. Yuste, T. Hirano, R. S. Jassal, J. Pumpanen, and J. W. Tang. 2010. Looking deeper into the soil: biophysical controls and seasonal lags of soil CO2 production and efflux. Ecological Applications 20:1569-1582.