An example of a simple and scalable API. 2 Possible operations:
- write request: ti represents the initial timestamp, ty is the event type
- read: request: t1 represents the initial time, t2 the final time, ty is the type
- unzip and move into the dataTest folder
- create table in cassandra with cql file (i.e. run /[Cassandra-Home]apache-cassandra-2.1.2/bin/cqlsh -f cassandra.cql);
- in command line: sbt run
- from browser: go to it should show: "write message sent"
- should show: { "type": "ty5", "minute": "20576131", "number": "1" }
Spray-Akka: for building the RESTful layer, easily integrable with Akka; Akka: for building the workers layer. I used the routing and remoting principles to make a scalable application. I used 2 different Akka Actor System (for simplicity the are run on the same machine now) to show that the application could easily be distributed on more hosts. Cassandra: to manage the atomic updates of counter; the partition properly the records.