Implementation Yandex Mobile Ads SDK for react native
Add the package to your project using either yarn:
yarn add react-native-yandex-mobile-ads
or npm:
npm install --save react-native-yandex-mobile-ads
CLI autolink feature links the module while building the app.
Note: for iOS make sure to install Pods through CocoaPods by running this command in your project's root directory:
cd ios && pod install
For React-Native < 0.60
Link the native dependencies:$ react-native link react-native-yandex-mobile-ads
import { MobileAds, BannerView, InterstitialAdManager, RewardedAdManager } from 'react-native-yandex-mobile-ads';
// Initialize this at application startup
MobileAds.initialize({ userConsent: true, locationConsent: true });
onLoad={() => console.log('onLoad')}
onLeftApplication={() => console.log('onLeftApplication')}
onReturnedToApplication={() => console.log('onReturnedToApplication')}
onError={(err: any) => console.log('error', err)}
.then((didClick: boolean) => {
console.log('clicked: ' + didClick);
.catch((error: any) => {
console.log('error: ' + error);
.then((resp) => {
const amount = resp.amount;
const type = resp.type;
const clicked =;
`amount: ${amount}, type: ${type}, clicked: ${clicked}`
.catch((error: any) => {
console.log('error: ' + error);
Mobile Ads SDK documentation You can look at alternative implementations react-native-admob, react-native-fbads and implement similar code
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.