Kindly update the below-required information in the "" file in the corresponding Repo root level. File Should Contain following info:
1.OS & System Configuration
2.Required Package/Library related Installation Steps with Version.
3.Compile and Build Steps.
4.Build Artifacts/Image Output Path.
5.Kindly add the .gitignore file based on your project.
Keysight ORAN Studio-Automation
This repository is created for performing CU plane Conformance and funcional test cases which include below process.
- Load Instrumentconfig.xml file so that mac of RU will be added in oran.
- Making M plane connection
- Chacking Sync
- Carrier Activation and checking sync
- Scp Generation
- Pcap Generation
- Pcap load and play stimulus
- Vxt Configuration
- ORB Generation
- VSA Configuration
- Report Generation and Result Declaration
- Send Notification in Space.
OS & System Configuration
- OpenSSH should be intsall
- 10G/25G SFP
- Windows OS
- KTM Switch
- ORAN Studio
Used Libraries:
- Python >=3.7
- ncclient >=0.6.12
- PyVISA >=1.12.0
- PyVISA-py >=0.5.3
- pandas >=2.0.0
- pythonnet >=3.0.1
- fpdf2>=2.5.5
- lxml==4.8.0
- ifcfg>=0.22
- pytest>=7.0.1
- requests>=2.27.1
- tabulate>=0.8.10
- xmltodict>=0.13.0
- pyqt5>=5.15.6
- scapy>=2.5.0
- httplib2>=0.21.0
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- pip install -r CUPLANE/Requirement/requirement.txt
- Run with command line
- Fill all the required data present requirement/inputs.ini file
- Go to CUPLANE/TDD directory
- Run below command
- python
- Go to CUPLANE/FDD directory
- Run below command
- python
- Keysight ORAN Api services should be started.
- Mplane connector should be connect for checking sync, activating the carrier and changing compression.
- Whenever mac will be changed or ru is boot u have press "No" when popup message come for Sync so that instrumentconfig.xml will be load for the syncronization and adding mac in ORS application.
M-Plane Automation
The repository is been build for M & S Plane optimisation in the Fronthual Interface
OS & System Configuration
- Linux PC
- DHCP Server should be install
- OpenSSH should be intsall
- 10G/25G SFP
Used Libraries:
- Python >=3.7
- ncclient >=0.6.12
- fpdf2>=2.5.5
- lxml==4.8.0
- ifcfg>=0.22
- pytest>=7.0.1
- requests>=2.27.1
- tabulate>=0.8.10
- xmltodict>=0.13.0
- pyqt5>=5.15.6
- scapy>=2.5.0
- httplib2>=0.21.0
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- pip install -r ORAN-Automation/MPlane_Conformance/requirements.txt
Setup Diagram
Flow Chart
File Structure
- File Structure of Root Directory
- Run with GUI
- Go to the GUI directory.
- Run below command
- sudo python
- Run with terminal
- Go to M Plane Conformance directory
- Run below command
- python
- sudo python M_CTC_ID_{Test_Case_ID}.py
- fill all the credentials which will be asked.
- run first file before running the test cases so that all the latest data will be updated in inputs.ini file
GUI Snapshots