The repository is been build for M & S Plane optimisation in the Fronthual Interface
- Python >=3.7
- ncclient >=0.6.12
- fpdf2>=2.5.5
- lxml==4.8.0
- ifcfg>=0.22
- pytest>=7.0.1
- requests>=2.27.1
- tabulate>=0.8.10
- xmltodict>=0.13.0
- pyqt5>=5.15.6
- scapy>=2.5.0
- httplib2>=0.21.0
- python -m pip install --upgrade pip
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- File Structure of Root Directory
- File Structure of MPlane Conformance
- Run with GUI
- Go to the GUI directory.
- Run below command -sudo python
- Run with terminal
- Go to Conformance directory
- Run below command
- python
- Note: fill all the credentials which will be asked.
- sudo python M_CTC_ID_{Test_Case_ID}.py
- python
- Note: run first file before running the test cases so that all the latest data will be updated in inputs.ini file