Dissidia Duodecim Final Fantasy DLC Toolkit
Hi everyone! This is a very simple DLC Toolkit for Dissidia Duodecim: Final Fantasy!
- .NET Framework 4.0 (Should be compatible from Windows XP SP3 onwards)
- 2/14/2016 - Version 1.1.2
- General:
- Support for high DPI screens
- BGM Generation Tab:
- Removed 36 characters limitation in song names. Now the user will be notified that exceeding that size may not render the name properly in-game. Thanks to convalise for the suggestion!
- Fixed bug that generated wrong names for songs with hex numbers that contained uppercase letters. Thanks to Lugia2009 & convalise for the bug report!
- General:
- 4/4/2015 - Version 1.1.1
- General:
- Bugfixes & improved stability
- Added "Settings" menu in "File" menu
- Character Generation tab:
- Added Manikin costume slot
- Added 'Manikin effects' checkbox
- BGM Generation Tab:
- You can now create BGM packs with ease!
- Swap DLC Slots tab:
- You can now change DLC slots for Player/Assist/Attachment data or BGM Data
- .exex edit tab:
- Minor improvements
- Reporter tab:
- Added support for BGM reporting
- Removed "Export as text" button
- General:
- 1/5/2015 - Version 1.0
- Ported all existing code from JRuby to .NET (that's why I jumped to v1.0 :P)
- DLC Generation tab:
- Added Normal, Alt.1 & Alt.2 options for all characters that support them
- Added more character-specific security checks (ex: Aerith can only use Normal, Alt.1 & Alt.2 costume slots)
- Support for creating & linking DLC attachments
- DLC Reporter tab:
- Now reports .objx files' names for easier extraction
- Minor improvements in Excel spreadsheet formatting
- Added log file for easier bug reporting
- Code uploaded to GitHub
Contains code from the following projects:
- SharpCompress BZip2 CRC routine: http://sharpcompress.codeplex.com/
- csharp-ArgbColorDialog: https://github.com/bvssvni/csharp-ArgbColorDialog
- EPPlus: http://epplus.codeplex.com/