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Benjamin Riesenberg edited this page Apr 22, 2024 · 7 revisions

more notes: schemasProject


The schemasProject and contentdm_maps repositories must be placed within the same directory in your filesystem

| ...
| schemasProject/
| contentdm_maps/
| ...

Assigning content for use in a particular HTML MAP - properties-files/

  • Default guidance (<instructions>) and examples (<example>) allow only the co attribute, which can be used to state which type of CONTENTdm object(s) the default guidance/example applies to (see details below)
  • Custom guidance and examples allow up to three attributes, co, as well as dd and genre_form; matching on custom guidance prioritizes, in order:
  1. A match on all three
  2. A match on co and dd
  3. A match on dd

attribute co

  • Assign content for describing metadata-creation for a particular type of CONTENTdm object
  • Multiple, space-separated values may be assigned
value description
all For describing metadata-creation for any kind of CONTENTdm object - standalone item, compound object, or compound-object item
no For describing metadata-creation for standalone items
object For describing metadata-creation for compound objects
item For describing metadata-creation for compound-object items
agnostic ⚠ Do not use; not used in current HTML MAP publishing workflow

See also definition of xs:simpleType name="cdm_object_type_type" in schemasProject/xsd/properties_files.xsd

attribute dd

  • Assign content for describing metadata creation for a particular collection
  • Multiple, space-separated values may be assigned
  • Allowable options are enumerated in schemasProject/xsd/coll_alias.xsd
  • The attribute name 'dd' comes from a previous convention of referring to metadata-creation guidance documents as 'data dictionaries'

attribute genre_form

  • Assign content for describing metadata creation for a particular category/genre/form of resource
  • Multiple, space-separated values may be assigned
  • Allowable options are enumerated in schemasProject/xsd/genre_form.xsd
  • Allowable values are the same as for contentdm_maps/xml/ XML MAP files genre_form element

py/ + xsl/cdm_aliases_to_schema.xsl

*Retrieve a list of CONTENTdm collection aliases for use in validating attribute values in XML MAP files (see XML MAPs cdmm:xml_map/cdmm:coll_alias) and properties-files (see properties-files //@dd). This data will need to be updated periodically.

  • Use to create a list of all existing CONTENTdm collection names/collection aliases, output as JSON.
  • Use cdm_aliases_to_schema.xsl to process this JSON data, moving all current collection aliases into coll_alias.xsd.
  • Configure transformation scenario for xsl/cdm_aliases_to_schema.xsl in Oxygen 'Edit scenario' as follows:
    • XSLT > XML URL = ../xsd/coll_alias.xsd
    • XSLT > XSL URL = ${currentFileURL}
    • Output > Save as = ../xsd/coll_alias.xsd

xsd/properties_extensions.xsd + properties-files validation errors

  • You may experience validation issues with properties-files content defined by elements in this .xsd file.
  • The properties-files elements defined here are not currently used in contentdm_maps transformation code to create metadata guidance documents, but as of writing this legacy data has been retained in properties-files.