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Git Tutorial

tenzinhl edited this page Apr 1, 2022 · 6 revisions


The following will go over some simple git commands necessary for cloning a git repository, creating a new branch, adding and committing new changes to a branch, and pushing the branch to a remote. For this tutorial, I will use Git Bash and some VSCode. If you have done so already and want to use these tools, download and install both.


Cloning a repository

When you start working on one of our repositories, the first step is to clone it. Open up a new Git Bash terminal (in the start menu, search for "Git Bash" and select the application that comes up). See the image of the application below.

git bash

In Git Bash, you must then navigate to where you would like the repository to be downloaded to. Out of personal preference, I like to keep all my ARUW-related repositories together. To navigate, type ls to see the folders and files in the current folder you are in (folders end in /), and type cd folder-name to step into the folder folder-name.

In the preferred folder, type git clone url where url is the https of the repository (see the image below if you are unsure of where to find this). You can instead clone with SSH, which requires setting up an SSH key on your device. If https clone fails, see this ssh tutorial to set up an SSH key for cloning. You will then click on the link under "Clone with SSH" once the key is set up.

aruw edu clone

Next cd into the repository.

Checking out a new branch

Now suppose you want to start writing some code. You don't want to start writing code to the main branch (usually develop or master), so instead you can create branch off of the main branch, add and modify code on the branch you created, then push your own branch to the central server. This can later be merged back into the main branch once you are complete with your modifications.

The following explains how to create a new branch.

  1. Open up Git Bash.
  2. Navigate to the repository (using cd).
  3. For our repositories we make branches off of the develop branch. So type git checkout develop to move to that branch.
  4. Type git checkout -b branch-name. In our main repo, we typically use the naming convention FirstnameL/Issue#/description, though check with other members to insure the naming convention you are using is correct.

Checking out an existing branch

In case you want to switch branches from where you already are to one that already exists, follow the steps below.

  1. Open up Git Bash and navigate to the repository.
  2. Make sure you have committed or stashed your code.
  3. Type git branch -a to see all local and remote branches (only necessary if you are unsure of the name of the branch you want to check out)
  4. Type git checkout branch-name. If branch-name is a valid branch name in the repository you are working in, you should now have the requested branch checked out.
  5. Type git pull if you want the latest changes on the branch you have newly checked out.

Adding, committing, and pushing your code

Suppose you have written some code and want to add your code to the central server. Here are a few reasons why you should do this:

  • As a back up in case your computer crashes.
  • As a way to "go back in time" in case you mess up some code and want to undo recent changes.
  • So others can see and work on the same code you are working on. I highly recommend committing your code frequently (at least once each day you work on it, I personally do it much more than that).

I will explain one way of pushing your code to the branch you currently have checked out.

  1. Open up Git Bash and navigate to the repository.

  2. You can now type git status if you would like to see the files that are changed. These files are not yet staged, so you must stage them. You can either stage changes individually by typing git add filename or just stage all changes by typing git add .. Alternatively, with the VSCode project folder open, navigating to the "source control" tab will allow you to see how the changes you have made compare to the changes on the upstream branch (i.e. the server). There are a lot of helpful VSCode features, but in particular, to add files, similar to git add filename, you can click the "+" next to the file. Additionally, selecting a file from the source control panel will show you the changes you have made locally. The local changes will be on the right and upstream file on the left. Additions will be in green and deletions in red.


  3. Now you must commit the staged changes. Type git commit -m "Type a message describing what changes have been made."

  4. Finally, type git push. If the branch you are pushing is not upstream (not on the repo yet since you just made it locally), git will complain, and you will have to type what it says to type :).

I briefly mentioned using VSCode to interact with git in one of the steps, but you can actually do a lot more through VSCode as well. You can look up online how to use it or just explore VSCode and see what features there are. I also recommend the GitLens extension for VSCode, which adds additional features built on top of Git.

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