A rhetorical parsing library
- Install/Tailor the environment (you only need to do this once)
In the athanor home directory type:
python install.py
You may need to install Python 2.7 if it is not already on your system.
Ignore warning messages about missing packages, as long as the following step works. We don't need these packages just to produce the athanor library. You do however need the g++ compiler, make and ant utilities that are used in building the product.
- Build Athanor and the Athanor library
Again, position in the Athanor repository home directory: type
The athanor library will be in java/dist/jatanor.jar
This jar can then be linked to or copied to Athanor-Server where it can be invoked.
The versioned distributions of Athanor in java/versioned_dist/ can also be used for this purpose.
For more details on tailoring Athanor-Server to work with a given Athanor jar, refer to the Athanor-Server repository Developer documentation (Interfacing with Athanor Section).
For more information on using Athanor, building Athanor components, or building versioned athanor library distributions see The Athanor repository