This is a copy of the Aduni Course Work
This was a tuition free MIT experiment. The videos and coursework give a glimpse of the quality of teaching and problem solving at MIT in 1990s.
The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
10-02-00: More scheme intro, substitution model
10-03-00: Orders of growth, recursion/ iteration
10-04-00: Higher-order procedures
10-05-00: Compound data
10-06-00: Aggregate data
10-10-00: Henderson picture language
10-11-00: Symbolic data
10-12-00: Data structures
10-13-00: Multiple representations of data
10-16-00: Generic operators
10-17-00: State
10-23-00: Metacircular evaluator
10-23-00: Recitation
10-24-00: More on the metacircular evaluator
10-24-00: Recitation
10-25-00: Register Machines I
10-25-00: Register Machines II
10-26-00: EC eval
10-27-00: Compilation
Discrete Mathematics
These are not uploaded by me, and the link might not match the title...
11-01-00: What kinds of problems are solved in discrete math?
11-02-00: Boolean Algebra and formal logic
11-03-00: More logic: quantifiers and predicates
11-06-00: Sets
11-07-00: Diagonalization, functions and sums review
11-08-00: Basic arithmetic and geometric sums, closed forms.
11-09-00: Chinese rings puzzle
11-10-00: Solving recurrence equations
11-13-00: Solving recurrence equations (cont.)
11-14-00: Mathematical induction
11-15-00: Combinations and permutations
11-16-00: Counting Problems
11-17-00: Counting problems
11-20-00: Counting problems using combinations, distributions
11-21-00: Counting problems using combinations, distributions
11-22-00: The pigeonhole principle and examples. The inclusion/exclusion theorem and advanced examples. A combinatorial card trick.
11-26-00: Equivalence Relations and Partial Orders
11-27-00: Euclid's Algorithm
11-27-00: Recitation -- a combinatorial card trick
11-28-00: Cryptography
How Computers Work
12-01-00: Introduction to the BETA ISA
12-03-00: Storage Allocation, Stack Discipline, Calling Conventions
12-04-00: Unpipelined Beta, Exceptions
12-05-00: Implementing the ALU
12-05-00: Recitation
12-06-00: Implementation of Beta Memorie
12-06-00: Recitation
12-07-00: Synchronous Finite State Machines (FSMs)
12-08-00: Flip flops, Asynchronous FSMs, Dynamic Discipline, Timing
12-11-00: Arbitration and Metastability
12-12-00: Static Discipline, Transistor-level design
12-13-00: Physics of Communication and Computation
12-14-00: Physics of Computation
12-15-00: Pipelining
12-18-00: Details of the Pipelined Beta
12-19-00: Caches
12-20-00: Virtual Memory, Paging
Object-oriented Program Design and Software Engineering
01-02-01: Intro to Java
01-02-01: lecture supplement
01-03-01: Classes
01-03-01: lecture supplement
01-04-01: Inheritance & Polymorphism
01-04-01: lecture supplement
01-05-01: Interfaces and interfaces
01-05-01: lecture supplement
01-08-01: OOP Design & Design Process
01-09-01: Exceptions & Error Handling
01-10-01: I/O
01-11-01: Window Systems & Graphics
01-12-01: Event-based programming
01-16-01: GUI (widgets)
01-17-01: Threads
01-18-01: Network Programming
01-19-01: Software Design Cycle
01-22-01: OOP in C & C++
01-23-01: Layouts, Packages, & Jar files
01-24-01: Java on the web
01-25-01: Component Object Models
01-26-01: Overview of Software Patterns
01-29-01: Persistence & Databases & etc.
01-30-01: I18N, L10N & Review
02-01-01: Algorithms -- overview
02-02-01: Sorting
02-04-01: Sorting II
02-05-01: Searching & Data Structures
02-06-01: Red-Black Trees
02-07-01: Graph Algorithms I - Topological Sorting, Prim's Algorithm
02-08-01: Graph Algorithms II - DFS, BFS, Kruskal's Algorithm, Union Find Data Structure
02-09-01: Graph Algorithms III: Shortest Path
02-12-01: Graph Alg. IV: Intro to geometric algorithms
02-13-01: Geometric Algorithms: Graham & Jarvis
02-14-01: Dynamic Programming I
02-15-01: Dynamic programming II
02-16-01: Parsing
02-20-01: Knapsack, Bandwidth Min. Intro: Greedy Algs.
02-21-01: Greedy Algs. II & Intro to NP Completeness
02-22-01: NP Completeness II & Reductions
02-23-01: NP Completeness III - More Reductions
02-26-01: NP Completeness IV
02-27-01: Approximation Algs.
02-28-01: Alternate Models of Computation
03-01-01: Intro to Systems
03-02-01: System Design
03-05-01: Distributed Systems
03-06-01: Networks, I
03-07-01: Networks, II
03-08-01: Naming
03-09-01: Security
03-12-01: Distributed Storage
03-13-01: Time and Coordination
03-14-01: Transactions
03-15-01: Distributed Transactions, Part I
03-15-01: Distributed Transactions, Part II
03-16-01: Replication
03-19-01: Distributed Mulitmedia
03-20-01: Case Study
Software Engineering for Web Applications
04-02-01 (Part I): Introduction to Internet Applications, Online Communities
04-02-01 (Part II): TCP and HTTP, Web Session State, Databases, Web Development Enviornments
04-03-01: J2EE and Microsoft .NET, Planning Internet Applications and Online Communities
04-04-01: Big Thoughts about the Internet and Online Communities
04-05-01: Web Usability and Interface Best Practices
04-11-01: Student User Data Model and Login/Registration Code Review
04-12-01: Sample Data Model for Diet Tracking, Database Structure, Site Modules
04-17-01: Student Project Status Presentation and Code Reviews
04-18-01: Implementing Threaded Discussion Forums
04-19-01: Database Normal Form, Oracle Transaction Issues, Oracle Under the Hood
04-24-01: VoiceXML
04-25-01: Distributed Computing with Web Services, SOAP
04-26-01: Final Student Project Presentation, Future of Databases
Theory of Computation
05-03-01: Finite State Machines
05-04-01: Closure and Nondeterminism
05-07-01: The Pumping Lemma
05-08-01: Minimizing FSMs
05-08-01: Recitation
05-09-01: Context Free Languages
05-10-01: CFLs and compilers
05-10-01: Recitation
05-11-01: Pushdown Machines
05-11-01: Recitation
05-14-01: CFGs and NPDMs
05-15-01: More lemmas, CYK
05-16-01: Undecidability and CFLs
05-16-01: Recitation
05-17-01: The Bullseye
05-18-01: Turing Machines
05-18-01: Recitation
05-20-01: The Halting Problem
05-21-01: Decidability
05-22-01: Complexity Theory, Quantified Boolean Formula
05-23-01: Savitch's Theorem, Space Hierarchy
05-24-01: Decidability/Complexity Relationship, Recursion Theorem
Artificial Intelligence
06-04-01: Rule-based systems and Knowledge Engineering
06-05-01: Searching and Coloring
06-06-01: Nearest Neighbors, Identification Trees
06-07-01: Neural Nets, Back Propagation, Support Vector Machines
Database Management Systems
06-08-01: Overview, Query Processing, Embedded SQL, Cursors, Triggers
06-11-01: Relational Algebra, Relational Calculus
06-12-01: Entity Relationship Diagrams
06-13-01: RDBMS Memory and Disk Storage, RAID, Buffer Management
06-14-01: Unordered/Sorted/Hashed Files, Indexes
06-15-01: Index Sequential Access Method, B+ Trees
06-18-01: Static and Dynamic Hash Indexing
06-19-01: External Sorting, Merge Sort, Double Buffering, Replacement Sort
06-21-01: Query Optimizers, Query Evaluation
06-25-01: Normal Forms
06-26-01: Query Analysis and Optimizing in Oracle
Applied Probability
07-02-01: Introduction, Algebra of Events, Conditional Probability
07-03-01: Independence, Bayes Theorem, Probability Mass Functions
07-05-01: Conditional PMFs, Probability Density Functions
07-06-01: PDFs and Image Guided Surgery
07-09-01: Bayesian Segmentation of MRI Images
Philip Greenspun | Software Engineering Professionalism |
Fred Martin | To Mindstorms and Beyond: Evolution of a Construction Kit for Magical Machines |
Richard Stallman | The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System |
Chip Hazard | Financing eBusinesses |
Marc Hamilton | Software Engineering at Internet Speeds |
Philip Greenspun | One-Day Internet Applications Course |
Allen Shaheen | Experience as one of the Founders of Cambridge Technology Partners |
David Parmenter | Things I Learned the Hard Way: Engineering and Computer Science in the Real World Part 1 Part 2 |
Gerald Jay Sussman | The Legacy of Computer Science |
Michael Sipser | The History and Status of the P versus NP Question |
Robert Sloan | What to do when the Teacher is an Ignoramus or a Liar: Learning from Queries even when the Answers to the Queries are Wrong |
Jothy Rosenberg | Basic Mechanics of Startup Financing, Equity and IPOs: What Engineers Should Know |
Copyright (c) 2000, 2001 by ADUni. This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Content License.
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