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first draft of functional takes tab
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smwoodman committed Mar 21, 2024
1 parent 20ba422 commit 8419716
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Showing 10 changed files with 113 additions and 107 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ export(tbl_vMicroVHF_Deployed)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@

* Used for and developed during 2023/24 Cape Shirreff field season. Finalized after season

* Updated various tab functionality, especially AFS DCC and cape-wide pup census
* Updated various tab functionality, especially AFS DCC, cape-wide pup census, and MMPA takes

* Updated `afs_capewide_pup` functions: renamed functions including changing to 'cwp_' prefix; added `cwp_loc_agg` to aggregate across locations in a consistent fashion; bug fixes (#10)

Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions R/extract.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -161,3 +161,14 @@ tbl_vPinniped_Season <- function(src) {
pup_mortality, pup_mortality_date, notes) %>%

#' @name extract
#' @export
tbl_vTakes <- function(src) {
tbl(src, "vTakes") %>%
select(season_name, table_name, take_date, species, age_class, sex,
individual_identifier, location_group, take_notes, sample_types,
individual_id, individual_id_source,
record_id, season_info_id, Beach_ID, created_dt)
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions R/mod_phocid_census.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,9 +17,14 @@ mod_phocid_census_ui <- function(id) {
# selected = tamatoamlr::pinniped.phocid.sp)
# )
checkboxGroupInput(ns("species"), tags$h5("Species"), inline = TRUE,
choices = tamatoamlr::pinniped.phocid.sp,
selected = tamatoamlr::pinniped.phocid.sp),
# checkboxGroupInput(ns("species"), tags$h5("Species"), inline = TRUE,
# choices = tamatoamlr::pinniped.phocid.sp,
# selected = tamatoamlr::pinniped.phocid.sp),
selectInput(ns("species"), tags$h5("Species"), #inline = TRUE,
choices = tamatoamlr::pinniped.phocid.sp,
selected = tamatoamlr::pinniped.phocid.sp,
multiple = TRUE, selectize = TRUE),

Expand Down
6 changes: 1 addition & 5 deletions R/mod_tag_resights.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -58,11 +58,7 @@ mod_tag_resights_ui <- function(id) {
#' @name shiny_modules
#' @export
mod_tag_resights_server <- function(id, src, season.df, tab) {
.mod_check(src, season.df, tab)

Expand Down
181 changes: 83 additions & 98 deletions R/mod_takes.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,31 +9,34 @@ mod_takes_ui <- function(id) {
title = "Filters", status = "warning", solidHeader = FALSE,
width = 6, collapsible = TRUE,
# mod_filter_season_ui(ns("filter_season"))
column(6, uiOutput(ns("season")))
checkboxInput(ns("pinniped_species"), "Filter takes by pinniped species",
value = FALSE),
condition = "input.pinniped_species == true", ns = ns,
helpText("Note this filter will remove any 'other species' dead animals"),
selectInput(ns("species"), tags$h5("Species"),
choices = tamatoamlr::pinniped.sp,
selected = tamatoamlr::pinniped.sp,
multiple = TRUE, selectize = TRUE)
title = "Summary options", status = "warning", solidHeader = FALSE, width = 6, collapsible = TRUE,
helpText("This tab allows you to view and summarize pinniped takes"),
title = "Summary options", status = "warning", solidHeader = FALSE,
width = 6, collapsible = TRUE,
helpText("This tab allows you to generate and view different summaries",
"of pinniped takes, for reporting for the",
"Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) permit. "),
column(4, .summaryTimingUI(ns, c("fs_single"))),
width = 6,
selectInput(ns("view"), tags$h5("View to display"),
choices = c("MMPA takes" = "mmpa"),
selected = "mmpa")
width = 6,
condition = "input.view == 'mmpa'", ns = ns,
helpText("reporting for Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) permit")
width = 4,
radioButtons(ns("summary_type"), tags$h5("Summary type"),
choices = c("By species" = "species",
"By individual" = "individual",
"By database table" = "table",
"All takes" = "all"))
# column(4, .summaryTimingUI(ns, c("fs_single"))),
# column(4, .summaryLocationUI(ns, c("by_capewide", "by_beach"), "by_capewide")),
# column(4, .summarySpAgeSexUI(ns, c("by_sp", "by_sp_age_sex"), "by_sp"))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -61,103 +64,85 @@ mod_takes_server <- function(id, src, season.df, tab) {

# ### Get filter_season values
# filter_season <- reactive({
# mod_filter_season_server(
# "filter_season", reactive(input$summary_timing), season.df
# )
# })

# #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
# # Sample inventory view
# sample_inventory_collect <- reactive({
# sample.inventory <- try(
# tbl(src(), "vSample_Inventory") %>% collect(),
# silent = TRUE
# )
# validate(
# need(sample.inventory,
# "Unable to find and load vSample_Inventory from specified database")
# )
# sample.inventory
# })
# sample_inventory <- reactive({
# x <- sample_inventory_collect() %>%
# filter(season_name == req(input$season))
# if (input$summary_type == "all") {
# x
# } else {
# x <- x %>%
# # Make single column with 'most unique' ID
# # case_when rolls through order of priority
# mutate(on_the_fly_unique = if_else(!,
# unk_group_id, on_the_fly_id),
# id_unique = case_when(
# ! ~ pinniped_id,
# ! ~ pup_afs_id,
# ! ~ on_the_fly_unique,
# .default = NA_integer_
# ))
# x.grouped <- if (input$summary_type == "sample_type") {
# x %>% group_by(species, sample_type)
# } else if (input$summary_type == "sample_type_group") {
# x %>% group_by(species, sample_type_group)
# } else {
# validate("invalid summary_type - please contact the database manager")
# }
# x.grouped %>%
# summarise(package_count = n(),
# individual_seals_count = n_distinct(id_unique),
# # n_pinniped_id = n_distinct(pinniped_id, na.rm = TRUE),
# # n_on_the_fly = n_distinct(on_the_fly_unique, na.rm = TRUE),
# # n_pup_afs_id = n_distinct(pup_afs_id, na.rm = TRUE),
# # individual_seals_count =
# # (n_pinniped_id+n_on_the_fly+n_pup_afs_id),
# n_adults_juveniles = sum(age_class %in% c("Adult", "Adult/Juvenile", "Juvenile")),
# n_pups = sum(age_class %in% c("Pup")),
# .groups = "drop") %>%
# relocate(individual_seals_count, n_adults_juveniles, n_pups,
# .after = package_count)
# }
# })
### Get filter_season values
filter_season <- reactive({
"filter_season", reactive(input$summary_timing), season.df

# Attendance pup weights
### Finish constructing query, and collect data
takes_filter <- reactive({
fs <- filter_season()

takes_collect <- reactive({
apw <- try(
tbl(src(), "vAttendance_Pup_Weights") %>% collect(),
silent = TRUE
need(input$summary_timing == "fs_single",
"Only single season summaries are currently available")

# Generate SQL query, and collect
takes.sql <- tbl_vTakes(src()) %>%
filter(season_name == !!req(fs$season()),

if (input$pinniped_species) {
takes.sql <- takes.sql %>%
filter(species %in% !!input$species)

takes.collect <- takes.sql %>% collect()

# Generate validate messages
"Unable to find and load vAttendance_Pup_Weights from specified database")
need(nrow(takes.collect) > 0,
"No take data to view based on given filters")


apw <- reactive({
apw_collect() %>% filter(season_name == req(input$season))
### Summarize take data, as specified by user
takes <- reactive({
takes <- takes_filter()

takes_summary <- function(x, ...) {
x %>%
group_by(...) %>%
summarise(n_takes = n(), .groups = "drop")

if (input$summary_type == "all") {
} else if (input$summary_type == "species") {
takes %>% takes_summary(season_name, species, age_class)
} else if (input$summary_type == "individual") {
takes %>%
filter(! %>%
takes_summary(season_name, species, age_class,
individual_identifier, individual_id,
} else if (input$summary_type == "table") {
takes %>% takes_summary(season_name, table_name, species, age_class)
} else {
validate("Invalid summary_type - please contact the database manager")

tbl_output <- reactive({
validate("invalid tbl - please contact the database manager")

plot_output <- reactive({
validate("There are no plots for the views")
validate("There are currently no plots for MMPA takes")

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Binary file modified R/sysdata.rda
Binary file not shown.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions R/tamatoa.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ tamatoa <- function(...,
menuItem("CCAMLR Pup Weights", tabName = .id.list$cpw, icon = icon("th")),
menuItem("CS-PHOC: Phocid Census", tabName = .id.list$csphoc, icon = icon("th")),
menuItem("Tag Resights", tabName = .id.list$resights, icon = icon("th", lib = "font-awesome")),
menuItem("Takes - MMPA", tabName = .id.list$takes, icon = icon("th", lib = "font-awesome")),
menuItem("Views", tabName = .id.list$views, icon = icon("th", lib = "font-awesome")),
tags$br(), tags$br(),
column(12, uiOutput("tabs_warning")),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,6 +150,7 @@ tamatoa <- function(...,
tabItem(.id.list$cpw, mod_ccamlr_pup_weights_ui(.id.list$cpw)),
tabItem(.id.list$csphoc, mod_phocid_census_ui(.id.list$csphoc)),
tabItem(.id.list$resights, mod_tag_resights_ui(.id.list$resights)),
tabItem(.id.list$takes, mod_takes_ui(.id.list$takes)),
tabItem(.id.list$views, mod_views_ui(.id.list$views))
# tabItem("tab_pt", mod_pinnipeds_tags_ui("pinnipeds_tags"))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,6 +209,8 @@ tamatoa <- function(...,
.id.list$csphoc, db.pool, si.list$season.df, tab)
.id.list$resights, db.pool, si.list$season.df, tab)
.id.list$takes, db.pool, si.list$season.df, tab)
.id.list$views, db.pool, si.list$season.df, tab)
# mod_pinnipeds_tags_server("pinnipeds_tags", db.pool)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions data-raw/internal.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
"cpw" = "ccamlr_pup_weights",
"csphoc" = "csphoc",
"resights" = "tag_resights",
"takes" = "takes", #MMPA takes tab
"views" = "views"

Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions man/extract.Rd

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