A python client to get cctv data from our public api services at
It's recommended to use a virtual environment to install this client in
# install from github since this package is not published yet
pip install git+https://github.com/urbanbigdatacentre/ubdc_cctvapi.git
This package fetches data from UBDC's public API end point and makes them available for further processing. It is straight forward how it can be used, as seen from the examples bellow:
# import the client
from ubdc_cctvapi.api import CctvApi
api = CctvApi()
# fetch one day's data for the location LOCATION
# and return it as python dict.
data = api.get_data_for_location("LOCATION", "6/6/2020", "7/6/2020")
for k, v in data.items():
pip install -r requirements
pip install pip-tools # if you haven't already done
pip-compile # to gather the latest version
pip-sync # to apply newest versions
bumb2version -n --verbose patch
bumb2version -n --verbose minor
# major
bumb2version -n --verbose major
pip install -e .
This project should be supported as long the CCTV project is running.