Sync OpenShift Routes to New Relic Synthetics monitors
- Automatically provision New Relic Synthetics monitors using Routes as a source of truth
Visit NewRelic
Create a new 'User' key, name doesn't matter.
The following command will demonstrate which monitors will be created or skipped.
openshift-newrelic-synthetics sync --new-relic-api-key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx --dry-run my-namespace
Depending on your go environment, you might need to do something like:
go run sync etc etc.
There is a Dockerfile, so its possible to build a docker image as well with:
docker build -t newrelic-sync .
And then can be run with something like:
docker run -v ~/.kube/config:/root/.kube/config newrelic-sync sync --kubernetes-config=/root/.kube/config --new-relic-api-key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXX --dry-run namespace
Use the UA_TEAM_NAME environment variable to control team tag applied to synthetics rules. Default: sapp
oc annotate route/example
Enable (delete the annotation):
oc annotate route/example