SwiftUI, A news app, follow the courses by tundsdev, and some features added myself, like pull to refresh, launching splash screen, environment tint color.
- Onboarding Screen:
- Custom alert View
- Redacted View
- Custom alert view
- UIKit in SwiftUI(SFSafariView)
- Placeholder image view
- Redacted view when loading
- Adaptive Dark Mode with UserDefaults
- Environment tint color
- Pull to refresh in SwiftUI
- Onboarding screen when first open the app
- Launching splash screen
- Pull to refresh in SwiftUI (done)
- Onboarding screen when first open the app (done)
The courses: tundsdev, fully developed with Swift.
- All kinds of contributions (enhancements, new features, documentation & code improvements, issues & bugs reporting & todo task) are welcome. Let's make it better.
Created by Terry Kuo - feel free to contact me!