python3 -m venv furms-agent-venv
source furms-agent-venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
The demo agent has been developed on top of the furms
client library.
Let's install it in our venv:
python3 bdist_wheel
pip3 install dist/furms-1.0.0-py3-none-any.whl
The demo agent has been developed on top of the furms
library and can be found in demo-agent
Configure credentials by setting the following environmental variables:
export BROKER_HOST=<broker-host>
export BROKER_PORT=<broker-port>
export BROKER_USERNAME=<broker-username>
export BROKER_PASSWORD=<broker-password>
export BROKER_VIRTUAL_HOST=<broker-virtual-hsot>
export CA_FILE=<path to CA file in PEM format>
If aforementioned variables are not present a default values takes place:
- host -
- port - 4444
- password - guest
- user - guest
- virtual host - "/"
- exchange - "" - default amq exchange
- cafile - ./ca_certificate.pem
source furms-agent-venv/bin/activate # skip it if you already activated virtual env
cd demo-agent
./ <site-id-from-furms-ui>
The demo agent package comes with a separate command line tool to report resource consumption within particular allocation. Optionally you can also provide FENIX user Id to report consumption for given user.
tool requires site identifier and offers two commands to:
- list allocations,
- push the consumption record.
This command is used to show all allocations provisioned to given site.
cd demo-agent
./ --site SITE_ID list-allocations
List of all allocations for site with identifier: SITE_ID
"allocationIdentifier": "a4695995-35ec-4bb8-b38b-a44829ec94e1",
"projectIdentifier": "5f655360-29b1-48ef-aaa1-75dd2db1e598",
"resourceCreditIdentifier": "5e6a7b3b-0377-4c73-a73f-180d794fc12d",
"amount": 100.0,
"validFrom": "2021-04-23T03:22:00Z",
"validTo": "2024-08-12T05:32:00Z"
"allocationIdentifier": "b90414d9-3f39-45ec-b50e-3cdea407e906",
"projectIdentifier": "5f655360-29b1-48ef-aaa1-75dd2db1e598",
"resourceCreditIdentifier": "5e6a7b3b-0377-4c73-a73f-180d794fc12d",
"amount": 200.0,
"validFrom": "2021-04-23T03:22:00Z",
"validTo": "2024-08-12T05:32:00Z"
This option is used to report consumption for given allocation and optionally fiven user.
cd demo-agent
./ --site SITE_ID publish-usage --help
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u FENIX_USER_ID, --fenix-user-id FENIX_USER_ID
when provided then only per-user record is sent
required arguments:
value how much of an allocation should be reported as consumed
allocation id
./ --site SITE_ID publish-usage -c 10 -a a4695995-35ec-4bb8-b38b-a44829ec94e1
2021-06-14 09:50:14,557 furms.sitelistener [INFO] message published to SITE_ID-site-pub (exchange: 'SITE_ID-site-pub') payload:
"header": {
"version": 1,
"status": "OK"
"body": {
"CumulativeResourceUsageRecord": {
"projectIdentifier": "5f655360-29b1-48ef-aaa1-75dd2db1e598",
"allocationIdentifier": "a4695995-35ec-4bb8-b38b-a44829ec94e1",
"cumulativeConsumption": 10.0,
"probedAt": "2021-06-14T07:50:14Z"
The demo agent package comes with a separate command line tool to update particular allocation chunk.
tool requires site identifier and offers two commands to:
- list all chunks,
- push chunk update.
This command is used to show all chunks for given site.
cd demo-agent
./ --site SITE_ID list-chunks
List of all chunks for site with identifier: SITE_ID
"allocId": "16e51bd3-6cea-4566-9092-619921a3a7b9",
"chunkId": 0,
"amount": 1001.0,
"validFrom": "2020-04-23T03:22:00Z",
"validTo": "2028-04-22T03:22:00Z"
"allocId": "16e51bd3-6cea-4566-9092-619921a3a7b9",
"chunkId": 1,
"amount": 200.0,
"validFrom": "2022-12-17T16:27:00Z",
"validTo": "2024-08-12T05:32:00Z"
This option is used to publish chunk update.
cd demo-agent
./ -s SITE_ID publish-update --help
usage: update-chunk [-h] -a ALLOCATION_ID -c CHUNK_ID --amount AMOUNT [-f VALID_FROM] [-t VALID_TO]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f VALID_FROM, --valid-from VALID_FROM
when provided then send in a protocol in validFrom field, if not provided then current provisioned value is taken
-t VALID_TO, --valid-to VALID_TO
when provided then send in a protocol in validTo field, , if not provided then current provisioned value is taken
required arguments:
allocation id
-c CHUNK_ID, --chunk-id CHUNK_ID
chunk id
--amount AMOUNT chunk amount to be updated in FURMS
./ -s SITE_ID update -a 16e51bd3-6cea-4566-9092-619921a3a7b9 -c 0 --amount 1001 -t 2028-04-22T03:22:00Z -f 2020-04-23T03:22:00Z
2021-06-18 12:06:04,635 furms.sitelistener [INFO] message published to SITE_ID-site-pub (exchange: 'SITE_ID-site-pub') payload:
"header": {
"version": 1,
"messageCorrelationId": null,
"status": "OK"
"body": {
"ProjectResourceAllocationUpdate": {
"allocationIdentifier": "16e51bd3-6cea-4566-9092-619921a3a7b9",
"allocationChunkIdentifier": 0,
"amount": 1001.0,
"validFrom": "2020-04-23T03:22:00Z",
"validTo": "2028-04-22T03:22:00Z"
This option is used to add a new allocation chunk to existing FURMS allocation. Usage is the same as update with two exceptions:
- valid-from and valid-to parameters are mandatory
- allocation id must be a new (unused) id