Piwik Analytics front end integration LitELement component for eTools
Import into app-shell.html file and initialize as the first child element, eg:
<piwik-analytics page="[[subroute.prefix]]" user="[[user]]" toast="[[currentToastMessage]]"></piwik-analytics>
First, make sure you have the Polymer CLI installed. Then run polymer serve
to serve your application locally.
$ polymer serve
$ polymer build
This will create a build/
folder with bundled/
and unbundled/
containing a bundled (Vulcanized) and unbundled builds, both run through HTML,
CSS, and JS optimizers.
You can serve the built versions by giving polymer serve
a folder to serve
$ polymer serve build/bundled
Install local npm packages (run npm install
Then just run the linting task
$ npm run lint
You should also use polylint. If you don't have Polylint installed run npm install -g polylint
Then just run the linter on each file you wish to check like so
$ polylint -i filename.html
At the moment polylint crashes if it encounters a missing import. If that happens, temporarily comment out such imports and run the command again.
$ polymer test
Your application is already set up to be tested via web-component-tester. Run polymer test
to run your application's test suite locally.