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A paper-input element that allows only currency amount values (US format). It accepts only digits, comma, a a single floating point (period), and allows 2 decimals. The maximum number you can have 12 digits until floating point. The value displayed it's paper-input's internal value. The value property of this element will update and format the internal value and when internal value is changed, element's value will be updated with current float value.


To only display values as currency amounts you can use EtoolsCurrency mixin, displayCurrencyAmount method.

Element properties

  • autoValidate, Boolean, default: false
  • currency, string
  • disabled, Boolean, default: false
  • errorMessage, String, default: 'This field is required'
  • invalid, Boolean, default: false - notifies
  • label, String
  • placeholder, String, default: '—'
  • readonly, Boolean, default: false
  • required, Boolean, default: false
  • value, String, notifies, converted to float value on internal value change


<etools-currency-amount-input label="Amount value"
    value="{{value}}" currency="$"></etools-currency-amount-input>


Use CSS properties and mixin of paper-input to style the element or:

Custom property Description Default
--etools-currency-input Mixin applied to currency element {}


TODO: create npm package

$ npm i --save unicef-polymer/etools-currency-amount-input#branch_name

Linting the code

Install local npm packages (run npm install) Then just run the linting task

$ npm run lint

Preview element locally

Install needed dependencies by running: $ npm install. Make sure you have the Polymer CLI installed. Then run $ polymer serve to serve your element application locally.

Running Tests

TODO: improve and add more tests

$ polymer test

Circle CI

Package will be automatically published after tag push (git tag 1.2.3 , git push --tags). Tag name must correspond to SemVer (Semantic Versioning) rules.

Version match Result
1.2.3 match
1.2.3-pre match
1.2.3+build match
1.2.3-pre+build match
v1.2.3-pre+build match
1.2 no match

You can see more details here