Holy texts UwU-ified, though right now it's just the Bible.
Translating these texts into UwU makes them accessible to a yet wider audience of potential readers. I believe accessability is important.
I took Daniel Liu's fastest text uwifier in the west and ran whatever appropriate text file was available through it.
For The King James Bible, the source was the project gutenberg release.
Currently files are displayed using markdeep as I have zero background in making text look good in online displays, and markdeep apparently works. Files are displayed through GitHub Pages, which I barely know how to use.
Completely free license subject to the terms of the original source files
(Project Gutenberg etc.) and MIT license if running through uwuify
counts as
being under MIT license. I waive everything I possibly can.
Pull requests for further holy texts are welcome if anyone really wanted that.
Also pull requests that make the files display better are cool.