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Daniel Dietsch edited this page Apr 12, 2019 · 6 revisions


Ultimate consists of many plugins, all of whom are licensed under LGPLv3 with a custom linking exception unless noted on this page. We use several libraries that are compatible with LGPLv3 and list them in the following.


Library License Compatibility Status
Eclipse / OSGI EPL Not compatible with GPL, but we only link and can add an exception clause. Used
log4j Apache 2.0 (included in jar-file) Compatible to LGPLv3 Used
Modified JavaCup Standard ML of New Jersey (Original) Compatible to GPL Used
JUNG Modified BSD License Compatible to LGPLv3 Used
Apache Batik Apache 2.0 (included in all jar-files) Compatible to LGPLv3 Used
Apache Commons Collections Apache 2.0 (included in all jar-files) Compatible to LGPLv3 Used
Apache Xerces Apache 2.0 (included in all jar-files) Compatible to LGPLv3 Used
Xalan Apache 2.0 Compatible to LGPLv3 ?
Mozilla Rhino MPL/GPL 2.0 (only js.jar) ? ?
Petruchio ? ? ?
CZT (Community Z Tools) Modified BSD License Compatible to LGPLv3 Used
Ace ? ? Only in web interface (not distributed)
JSTL CDDL and GPLv2 ? ?, but if then only in web interface (not distributed)
JSON ? ? ?, but if then only in web interface (not distributed)
SMTInterpol LGPLv3 Compatible to LGPLv3 Used
ojAlgo MIT License Compatible to LGPLv3 Currently unused and not distributed
Apache commons Lang ? ? ?
JavaBDD ? ? ?
log4j2 Apache 2.0 (included in jar-file) Compatible to LGPLv3 Currently unused and not distributed
Disruptor ? ? ?
Trove LGPL v2.1 and any later version Compatible to LGPLv3 Used


Name License Compatibility Status
Z3 MIT License Redistributable Used
MathSAT Custom ? Used
CVC4 Custom ? Used
ltl2aut ? ? ?
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