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####Any help would be welcome!
#####This is a beta version, tell me if you watch some bugs
If you want to contribute, I haven't the time yet for developing some base robot( wall runner, coins camper, random move etc...). If you do this, I will be happy to include its into the source code. (Post an issue or make a pull request in this case).
######What's New & Task list:
- move()
- turn()
- gunTurn()
- radarTurn()
- getPostion
- radarDetection()
- getTargetPosition()
- getTargetName()
- bulletPower
- on_hit_by_bullet()
- bulletSize
- WallCollision
- MapSize
- Number_Of_Enmies_Left()
- GameSpeed
- on_Robot_Death()
- reset() --> too stop all move at any time
- stop() --> too allow to make moves sequences
- RobotPrint() --> too allow the robot to print in a textBox
- RobotMenu with lifeBar
- Battle Series
- Batlles Statistics
- .exe
- .deb
- Qt Integration
- Qt IDE (syntax highlighter, auto completion, Base Robot) --> Not Done but I have an old project of IDE to do it
- Add Classe Reference in the wiki
- To prevent bot's to use Sockets, urllib2, and Sub/Multi Processing Module (more safe for users)
- Window resizable
- Write Calculus in cython (to speed up the code)