Algorithms | Paper Link | Projects Link |
GMM | Paper Link | Code Link |
DDN | Paper Link | Code Link |
JORDER | Paper Link | Code Link |
ID-CGAN | Paper Link | Code Link |
DerainDrop | Paper Link | Code Link |
DID-MDN | Paper Link | Code Link |
DerainNet | Paper Link | Code Link |
LPNet | Paper Link | Code Link |
PReNet | Paper Link | Code Link |
GP-based SSL | Paper Link | Code Link |
Algorithms | Code Link | Pretrain Model Link |
Faster-RCNN | Code Link | sh./data/scripts/ |
RetinaNet | Code Link | MSCOCO pretrain model |
YoloV3 | Code Link | |
SSD-512 | Code Link | |
Data Type | Download Link | Download Link |
Rain Mist | Real Access Code: 6h55 | Synthetic Access Code: 8kae |
Rain Drop | Real Access Code: n6xf | Synthetic Access Code : wscw |
Rain Streak | Real Access Code: npsy | Synthetic Access Code: drxn |
the dataset of Deep-Network | Github | |
Rain100H, Rain100L, Rain1400 and Rain12 | Onedrive | |
Rain12600, RainTrainL, RainTrainH | Onedrive |
*We note that:
i. RainTrainL/Rain100L and RainTrainH/Rain100H are synthesized by Yang Wenhan. Rain12600/Rain1400 is from Fu Xueyang and Rain12 is from Li Yu.
- PSNR (Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio) [PDF] [Matlab Code] [Python Code]
- SSIM (Structural Similarity) [PDF] [Matlab Code] [Python Code]
- VIF (Visual Quality) [PDF] [Matlab Code]
- FSIM (Feature Similarity) [PDF] [Matlab Code])
Automatic single-image-based rain streaks removal via image decomposition (TIP2012), Kang et al [PDF] [Code]
Removing rain from a single image via discriminative sparse coding [PDF]
Depth-attentional Features for Single-image Rain Removal [PDF]
Frame-Consistent Recurrent Video Deraining with Dual-Level Flow [PDF]
Guided image filtering (ECCV2010), He et al. [Project] [PDF] [Code]
Removing rain and snow in a single image using guided filter (CSAE2012), Xu et al. [PDF]
An improved guidance image based method to remove rain and snow in a single image (CIS2012), Xu et al. [PDF]
Single-image deraining using an adaptive nonlocal means filter (ICIP2013), Kim et al. [PDF]
Single-image-based rain and snow removal using multi-guided filter (NIPS2013), Zheng et al. [PDF]
Single image rain and snow removal via guided L0 smoothing filter (Multimedia Tools and Application2016), Ding et al. [PDF]
Automatic single-image-based rain streaks removal via image decomposition (TIP2012), Kang et al [PDF] [Code]
Self-learning-based rain streak removal for image/video (ISCS2012), Kang et al. [PDF]
Single-frame-based rain removal via image decomposition (ICA2013), Fu et al. [PDF]
Exploiting image structural similarity for single image rain removal (ICIP2014), Sun et al. [PDF]
Visual depth guided color image rain streaks removal using sparse coding (TCSVT2014), Chen et al [PDF]
Removing rain from a single image via discriminative sparse coding (ICCV2015), Luo et al [PDF] [Code]
Rain streak removal using layer priors (CVPR2016), Li et al [PDF] [Code]
Single image rain streak decomposition using layer priors (TIP2017), Li et al [PDF]
Error-optimized dparse representation for single image rain removal (IEEE TIE2017), Chen et al [PDF]
A hierarchical approach for rain or snow removing in a single color image (TIP2017), Wang et al. [PDF]
Joint bi-layer optimization for single-image rain streak removal (ICCV2017), Zhu et al. [PDF]
Convolutional sparse and low-rank codingbased rain streak removal (WCACV2017), Zhang et al [PDF]
Joint convolutional analysis and synthesis sparse representation for single image layer separation (CVPR2017), Gu et al [PDF] [Code]
Single image deraining via decorrelating the rain streaks and background scene in gradient domain (PR2018), Du et al [PDF]
- Restoring an image taken through a window covered with dirt or rain (ICCV2013), Eigen et al. [Project] [PDF] [Code]
- Attentive generative adversarial network for raindrop removal from a single image (CVPR2018), Qian et al [Project] [PDF]
- Clearing the skies: A deep network architecture for single-image rain streaks removal (TIP2017), Fu et al. [Project] [PDF] [Code]
- Removing rain from single images via a deep detail network (CVPR2017), Fu et al. [Project] [PDF] [Code]
- Image de-raining using a conditional generative adversarial network (Arxiv2017), Zhang et al [PDF] [Code]
- Deep joint rain detection and removal from a single image (CVPR2017), Yang et al.[Project] [PDF] [Code]
- Residual guide feature fusion network for single image deraining (ACMMM2018), Fan et al. [Project] [PDF]
- Fast single image rain removal via a deep decomposition-composition network (Arxiv2018), Li et al [Project]) [PDF] [Code]
- Density-aware single image de-raining using a multi-stream dense network (CVPR2018), Zhang et al [PDF] [Code]
- Recurrent squeeze-and-excitation context aggregation net for single image deraining (ECCV2018), Li et al. [PDF] [Code]
- Rain streak removal for single image via kernel guided cnn (Arxiv2018), Wang et al [PDF]
- Physics-based generative adversarial models for image restoration and beyond (Arxiv2018), Pan et al [PDF]
- Learning dual convolutional neural networks for low-level vision (CVPR2018), Pan et al [Project] [PDF] [Code]
- Non-locally enhanced encoder-decoder network for single image de-raining (ACMMM2018), Li et al [PDF] [Code]
- Unsupervised single image deraining with self-supervised constraints (ICIP2019), Jin et al [PDF]
- Progressive image deraining networks: A better and simpler baseline (CVPR2019), Ren et al [PDF] [Code]
- Spatial attentive single-image deraining with a high quality real rain dataset (CVPR2019), Wang et al [Project] [PDF] [Code]
- Lightweight pyramid networks for image deraining (TNNLS2019), Fu et al [PDF] [Code]
- Joint rain detection and removal from a single image with contextualized deep networks (TPAMI2019), Yang et al [PDF] [Code]