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ukkz committed May 24, 2021
1 parent 1618cae commit 3141281
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Showing 27 changed files with 744 additions and 1 deletion.
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions Chanting.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
* 解説:
* <注意>
* あらかじめ "Sutra Writer" でEEPROMに使用したいお経を書き込んでおくこと
* <記事解説からの変更点>
* ・PROGMEMでも厳しくなったのでEEPROMに格納したバイト列から変換するようにしました。
* ・Stringはメモリ消費が激しいので通常のchar列で文字列表現しています。

#include <EEPROM.h>

class Chanting {
int cursor = 0; // 読経位置インデックス
bool finished = false; // 末端まで達したか
char output[12] = ""; // 最大5文字 + 改行コード等最大3文字 + スペース予備3文字 + 終端 = 12
char enterCode[4]; // CR,LF,CR+LF,space+CRLFなど(WinやMacなど環境にあわせてコンストラクタで設定のこと)
// 以下 文字数ごとの音節配列
char syl_1[4][2] = { "a", "i", "u", "e" };
char syl_2[26][3] = { "ka", "ku", "ke", "ko", "si", "ta", "ti", "ni", "ne", "ha", "fu", "ma", "mi", "mu", "ge", "go", "ze", "ji", "ju", "jo", "do", "bi", "bu", "bo", "ra", "ri" };
char syl_3[24][4] = { "kai", "kuu", "kou", "sai", "sou", "tei", "tou", "nai", "nou", "hou", "gya", "sha", "shu", "sho", "zai", "zou", "jou", "dai", "dou", "nya", "nyo", "rou", "unn", "onn" };
char syl_N[8][4] = { "kan", "ken", "san", "sin", "ten", "han", "gen", "jin" };
char syl_4[19][5] = { "iltu", "satu", "siki", "setu", "soku", "sowa", "toku", "noku", "hara", "metu", "yaku", "watu", "gyou", "shuu", "shou", "jitu", "chuu", "butu", "myou" };
char syl_5[6][6] = { "saltu", "toltu", "miltu", "zeltu", "bultu", "myaku" };

Chanting(const char* enter) {
strcpy(enterCode, enter);

char* get() {
// 終了している場合は改行のみを返す
if (finished || cursor >= EEPROM.length()) return enterCode;

// 現在のコードと1つ先のコードをEEPROMから取得
byte code =;
byte next = + 1);
cursor++; // 進めておく

// 上位3ビットで音節配列選択・下位5ビットでインデックス選択
byte sylClass = code >> 5;
byte sylIndex = code & 0x1F;
switch (sylClass) {
case 0:
strcpy(output, syl_1[sylIndex]);
case 1:
strcpy(output, syl_2[sylIndex]);
case 2:
strcpy(output, syl_3[sylIndex]);
case 3:
strcpy(output, syl_N[sylIndex]);
strcat(output, "n"); // ここだけnを付加する
case 4:
strcpy(output, syl_4[sylIndex]);
case 5:
strcpy(output, syl_5[sylIndex]);
strcpy(output, ""); // 対応する音節配列がない

// 先読みしたコードが特殊操作(0xF0 ~ 0xFF)なとき
if (next >= 0xF0) {
if (next == 0xF0 || next == 0xFF) finished = true;
if (next & 0x02) strcat(output, " "); // 0xF3はSPACE+ENTER
if (next & 0x01) strcat(output, enterCode);
cursor++; // もう1つ次に飛ばしておく(特殊コードは連続しない前提)

return output;

// インデックスを最初に戻す
void reset() {
cursor = 0;
finished = false;
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions Config.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#define SDA 4 // 3軸加速度モジュール I2C SDA - Pro Micro D2
#define SCL 5 // 3軸加速度モジュール I2C SCL - Pro Micro D3
#define LED_NUM 5 // フルカラーLEDの個数(標準:5)
#define LED_PIN 10 // フルカラーLED信号線 - Pro Micro D10

#define CHANT_KEYBOARD_ENTER "\n" // 読経時の改行扱い(Win/Mac/Linuxなど環境に応じて設定してください)
#define UP_SPACE_SUPPORT false // 上入力でスペースキー入力して漢字変換をサポートするか
#define DOWN_ENTER_SUPPORT false // 下入力でエンター入力して変換確定をサポートするか

/* シリアルモード SERIAL OUTPUT MODE */
#define SERIAL_HIT_CODE '.' // 叩かれた時に送信するコード
#define SERIAL_UP_CODE '^' // 上入力時に送信するコード
#define SERIAL_LEFT_CODE '<' // 左入力時に送信するコード
#define SERIAL_DOWN_CODE '_' // 下入力時に送信するコード
#define SERIAL_RIGHT_CODE '>' // 右入力時に送信するコード

#define MIDI_CHANNEL 0 // MIDI送信するチャンネル
#define MIDI_PITCH 60 // デフォルトの音階(標準ド: 60)
#define AUTO_NOTEOFF_MAX 2000 // 次に叩かれなかったときに自動でノートオフするまでのミリ秒

// 上下左右矢印
// WASDキーも使える
//#define KEYBOARD_UP 'w'
//#define KEYBOARD_LEFT 'a'
//#define KEYBOARD_DOWN 's'
//#define KEYBOARD_RIGHT 'd'

/* ゲーミングモード GAMING MODE */
#define GAMING_UP 'w'
#define GAMING_DOWN 's'

/* キーボード・マウス・ゲーミング各モード 共通 COMMON SETTINGS FOR KEYBOARD & MOUSE & GAMING */
#define X_DIRECTION -1 // 1で左右正しい方向
#define Y_DIRECTION -1 // 1で上下正しい方向

/* 開発用(変更の必要ありません) FOR DEVELOPMENT */
#define RC_RATIO 0.2
#define STD_GRAVITY 9.80665f
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions FuncChangeLED.ino
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@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
/* TaskLEDのキューにデータ送信して点灯制御する */
void FuncChangeLED(byte mode = 0, byte brightness = 0xFF) {
static int message = 0;
if (brightness < 10) brightness = 1; // 消灯は制御の都合により1にしておく(0だと処理をスキップするので消えない)
message = (mode<<8) + brightness;
xQueueSend(LEDQueue, &message, 1);
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions FuncWelcomeLED.ino
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
/* 起動時にグラデーション表示するだけのやつ */
void FuncWelcomeLED() {
float hue = 0.0; // 0.0 ~ 1.0
for (byte deg=0; deg<180; deg++) {
float rad = (2 * PI / 360) * deg;
// 虹色のところ: Hue,Saturation,Volume
// 0.0625 = 4096/65536
for (int i=0; i<np.PixelCount(); i++) np.SetPixelColor(i, HsbColor(hue + (i * 0.0625), 1.0, sin(rad)));
hue += 0.0078125; // = 512/65536
if (hue >= 1.0) hue -= 1.0; // ループ
np.ClearTo(RgbColor(0, 0, 0));
191 changes: 190 additions & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,2 +1,191 @@
# mokugyOS
The operating system for USB connectable Mokugyo device.

The operating system for USB connectable Mokugyo device.



## Hardware creation

### 1. Requirements

- Mokugyo
Recommendation: [Amazon\.co\.jp: キクタニ 木魚 3寸 9cm TB\-9: 楽器](
- USB Standard-A(male) to Standard-A(male) cable
- USB Standard-A(female) to Micro-B(male) short cable
- Mallet (optional)
- Small Zabuton (Japanese cushion, optional)
- Microcontroller: [Pro Micro \- 5V/16MHz \- DEV\-12640 \- SparkFun Electronics](
- But you can choice any other ATmega32u4 based boards as main board, like [Arduino Micro](, [Arduino Leonardo](
- This README explains in case using Pro Micro.
- Accelerometer: [Adafruit Triple\-Axis Accelerometer \- ±2/4/8g @ 14\-bit \- MMA8451 : ID 2019 : $7\.95 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits](
- Full-colored WS2812B compatible LED chip (5 pieces): [Adafruit NeoPixel Digital RGB LED Strip \- Black 60 LED \[BLACK\] : ID 1461 : $99\.80 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits](
- No need to buy Adafruit's LED because a bit expensive. Recommend NeoPixel compatible LED, like [フルカラーシリアルLEDモジュール \- SWITCH\-SCIENCE](, [NeoPixelフルカラーLEDテープ・5V版各種 – Shigezone Online](, etc.
- Only 5 pieces needed.
- LED strip type is BEST, will helps making it simply.
- Microphone (optional): [SparkFun Electret Microphone Breakout \- BOB\-12758 \- SparkFun Electronics](


### 2. Drill a USB hole on Mokugyo


Make a square hole by drill and cutter.


Put large side of USB Standard-A(female) to Micro-B(male) short cable to this hole.

### 3. Connect sensors and LEDs to microcontroller

Pins assign:

| Sensor's Pin | Pro Micro's Pin |
| MMA8451 VIN | VCC |
| MMA8451 GND | GND |
| MMA8451 SDA | 2 |
| MMA8451 SCL | 3 |
| LED strip +5V | VCC |
| LED strip GND | GND |
| LED strip Din | 10 |
| Microphone VCC | VCC |
| Microphone GND | GND |
| Microphone AUD | A0 |

Note: Current version of mokugyOS does not support microphone listening yet so implementing it is optional.


Do soldering to connect sensors to Pro Micro.


As for NeoPixel LED strip, cut 5 pixels and be careful about signal polarity at soldering (check Din pin's arrow sign direction on the strip).

### 4. Put sensors&controller unit into Mokugyo


1. Stick LED strip on inner side of Mokugyo using double sided tape.
2. Connect USB-MicroB connector to controller.
3. Push sensors&controller into Mokugyo.


Look the 3-axis sign on MMA8451 and pay attension at placing this sensor.
`Z-axis`: be parallel with hit direction by mallet. Z+ direction is vertically above.
`Y-axis`: Y+ direction is facing Mokugyo mouth (groove) from central.

## Software Installation

### 1. Install Arduino IDE on your PC if not yet

[Software \| Arduino](

### 2. Install board support library for Pro Micro

Following instructions below:
[sparkfun/Arduino\_Boards: Board definitions for SparkFun\-manufactured AVR, ARM, and ESP\-based Arduino boards\.](


After board installation, please set options like above on Arduino IDE.
**DO SELECT "ATmega32U4 (5V, 16 MHz)"**, not other one "(3.3V, 8 MHz)".

### 3. Install dependencies

Additional arduino libraries are below.
Show the repositories here but all of them can be installed by arduino IDE built-in library manager.

- FreeRTOS
[feilipu/Arduino\_FreeRTOS\_Library: A FreeRTOS Library for all Arduino AVR Devices \(Uno, Leonardo, Mega, etc\)](
- NeoPixelBus by Makuna
[Makuna/NeoPixelBus: An Arduino NeoPixel support library supporting a large variety of individually addressable LEDs\. Please refer to the Wiki for more details\. Please use the gitter channel to ask questions as the GitHub Issues feature is used for bug tracking\.](
[arduino\-libraries/MIDIUSB: A MIDI library over USB, based on PluggableUSB](
- Adafruit MMA8451 Library
[adafruit/Adafruit\_MMA8451\_Library: Arduino library for the MMA8451 Accelerometer sensors in the Adafruit shop](
- No need install [Adafruit Unified Sensor Driver](

### 4. Writing sutra data into EEPROM

**[ukkz/SutraWriter: EEPROM writer for mokugyOS\.](**

1. Connect your Mokugyo to PC with USB cable.
2. Clone or ZIP download ukkz/SutraWriter repository.
3. Open `SutraWriter.ino` with Arduino IDE.
4. Open Serial Monitor window, and then click upload button to write sketch into Mokugyo.
5. SutraWriter runs immediately. Check Serial Monitor to verify EEPROM data like below:

### 5. Upload mokugyOS

Clone or ZIP download this repository and upload to your Mokugyo.

#### Configuration

All configurable parameters are placed in `Config.h`.

## How to use

### Mode change


Stand up and tilt left or right to change running mode.
Lay down to run the selected mode.
Default mode is "Chanting Keyboard".

| LED color | Mode |
| Blue | Chanting Keyboard |
| Yellow | Serial Commander |
| Red | MIDI Instrument |
| White | Generic Directional Pad |
| Orange | Generic Mouse |
| Mixed | Game Controller |

About this color variants: [Buddhist flag \- Wikipedia](

### Chanting Keyboard Mode


Sends sutra phrase per beat as USB HID keyboard.

### Serial Commander Mode


Sends beating and 4-directional tilting command as USB Serial device.

### MIDI Instrument Mode


Sends Note-On and Note-Off messages as USB MIDI device.

### Generic Directional Pad Mode


Sends beating (Enter key click) and 4-directional tilting (Arrow keys click) as USB HID keyboard.

### Generic Mouse Mode


Sends beating (Mouse left click) and 4-directional tilting (Mouse cursor move) as USB HID mouse.

### Game Controller Mode


Sends beating (Mouse left click), X-directional tilting (Horizontal mouse cursor move) and Y-directional tilting (`W` key or `S` key click) as USB HID keyboard & mouse.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.

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