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Ordbøkene: nuxt

Project setup

Add the inflection tables:

  1. Clone vue-inflection repo, e. g. in the parent directory of ordbokene-nuxt.
  2. Create a symlink between vue-inflection/src/components and ordbokene-nuxt/vue-inflection Windows:
mklink /d C:\path\to\repos\ordbokene-nuxt\vue-inflection C:\path\to\repos\vue-inflection\src\components

Mac and Linux

ln -s /path/to/repos/vue-inflection/src/components /path/to/repos/ordbokene-nuxt/vue-inflection

When deploying, the main branch will use the version of vue-inflection specified in .gitlab-ci.yml, while other branches will use the branch vue3-dev.

Install packages

Installing and running dev environment:

npm install


npm run dev

Text content

The text content of the help pages, about pages and contact us page are fetched at build time from the master branch of this repo:


Sitemaps for the production deployment are generated once a scheduled cicd pipeline. They are generated for the main branch. There is a scheduled pipeline for the ordbokene-dev branch that can be activated for debugging.