- Clone vue-inflection repo, e. g. in the parent directory of ordbokene-nuxt.
- Create a symlink between vue-inflection/src/components and ordbokene-nuxt/vue-inflection Windows:
mklink /d C:\path\to\repos\ordbokene-nuxt\vue-inflection C:\path\to\repos\vue-inflection\src\components
Mac and Linux
ln -s /path/to/repos/vue-inflection/src/components /path/to/repos/ordbokene-nuxt/vue-inflection
When deploying, the main branch will use the version of vue-inflection specified in .gitlab-ci.yml, while other branches will use the branch vue3-dev.
Installing and running dev environment:
npm install
npm run dev
The text content of the help pages, about pages and contact us page are fetched at build time from the master branch of this repo: https://git.app.uib.no/spraksamlingane/ordbokene-content
Sitemaps for the production deployment are generated once a scheduled cicd pipeline. They are generated for the main branch. There is a scheduled pipeline for the ordbokene-dev branch that can be activated for debugging.