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Ranjit Jhala committed Nov 16, 2023
1 parent fc5cbcb commit 1d34bd9
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Showing 4 changed files with 255 additions and 2 deletions.
245 changes: 245 additions & 0 deletions docs/code/src/lec_11_16_23.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use camelCase" #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Replace case with maybe" #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use list comprehension" #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use newtype instead of data" #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use foldr" #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-noncanonical-monad-instances #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use tuple-section" #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Redundant return" #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use const" #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Eta reduce" #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use lambda-case" #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Avoid lambda" #-}

module Lec_11_7_23 where

import Prelude hiding (getLine)
import Data.Char (isAlpha, isDigit)

foo :: IO Char
foo = getChar

getLine :: IO String
getLine = do
c <- getChar
if c == '\n'
then return ""
else do cs <- getLine
return (c:cs)

data Parser a = MkParser (String -> [(a, String)])

runParser :: Parser a -> String -> [(a, String)]
runParser (MkParser f) s = f s

-- >>> runParser twoChar'' "123"
-- [(('1','2'),"3")]

oneChar :: Parser Char
oneChar = MkParser (\cs -> case cs of
[] -> []
(c:cs') -> [(c, cs')]

twoChar :: Parser (Char, Char)
twoChar = MkParser (\cs -> case cs of
(c1:c2:cs') -> [((c1, c2), cs')]
_ -> []

twoChar' :: Parser (Char, Char)
twoChar' = pairP oneChar oneChar

twoChar'' :: Parser (Char, Char)
twoChar'' = do
x <- oneChar
y <- oneChar
return (x, y)

forEach :: [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]
forEach [] _ = []
forEach (x:xs) f = f x ++ forEach xs f

pairP :: Parser a -> Parser b -> Parser (a, b)
pairP (MkParser aP) (MkParser bP) = MkParser (\cs ->
forEach (aP cs) (\(a, cs') ->
forEach (bP cs') (\(b, cs'') ->
[((a, b), cs'')]

instance Monad Parser where
return :: a -> Parser a
return = returnP
(>>=) :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
(>>=) = bindP

returnP :: a -> Parser a
returnP x = MkParser (\str -> [(x, str)])

bindP :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
bindP (MkParser aP) fB = MkParser (\cs ->
forEach (aP cs) (\(a, cs') ->
let MkParser bP = fB a in
forEach (bP cs') (\(b, cs'') ->
[(b, cs'')]

failP :: Parser a
failP = MkParser (\_ -> [])

instance Functor Parser where
fmap = undefined

instance Applicative Parser where
pure = undefined
(<*>) = undefined

satP :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser Char
satP p = do
c <- oneChar
if p c then return c else failP

satP' :: (Char -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
satP' p = do
c <- oneChar
case p c of
Just v -> return v
Nothing -> failP

-- >>> runParser alphaCharP "cat"

-- >>> runParser digitCharP "cat"

-- >>> runParser digitCharP "67cat"
-- [('6',"7cat")]

-- >>> runParser digitIntP "62567cat"
-- []

char :: Char -> Parser Char
char c = satP (\c' -> c == c')

alphaCharP :: Parser Char
alphaCharP = satP isAlpha

digitCharP :: Parser Char
digitCharP = satP isDigit

-- >>> runParser

-- >>> runParser alphaDigitCharP "8q9w8c98"
-- [('8',"q9w8c98")]

-- >>> runParser calc "3+4sldfnas"
-- [(7,"sldfnas")]

-- >>> runParser calc "510-212"
-- [(3,"")]

-- >>> runParser calc "52*23"
-- [(10,"")]

-- >>> runParser calc "500/2"
opP :: Parser (Int -> Int -> Int)
opP = plusP <|> minusP <|> timesP <|> divP
plusP = do {_ <- char '+'; return (+) }
minusP = do {_ <- char '-'; return (-) }
timesP = do {_ <- char '*'; return (*) }
divP = do {_ <- char '/'; return div }

do {x <- e1 ; e2 } IS THE SAME AS e1 >>= (\x -> e2)
do {_ <- e1 ; e2 } IS THE SAME AS e1 >> e2
do { e1 ; e2 } IS THE SAME AS e1 >> e2

calc :: Parser Int
calc = do
x <- intP
o <- opP
y <- intP
return (x `o` y)

alphaDigitCharP :: Parser Char
alphaDigitCharP = alphaCharP <|> digitCharP

(<|>) :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
(<|>) = orElse

orElse :: Parser a -> Parser a -> Parser a
orElse p1 p2 = MkParser (\cs ->
case runParser p1 cs of
[] -> runParser p2 cs
rs -> rs

digitIntP :: Parser Int
digitIntP = do
c <- satP isDigit
return (read [c])

-- >>> runParser intP "123,45,6"
-- [(123,",45,6")]

-- ProgressCancelledException
manyP :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
manyP aP = many1P aP <|> return []

many1P :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
many1P aP = do
x <- aP
xs <- manyP aP
return (x:xs)

return [] ---> (\cs -> [([], cs)])
failP ---> (\cs -> [])

-- do
-- x <- aP
-- xs <- manyP aP
-- return (x:xs)

intP :: Parser Int
intP = do
cs <- manyP digitCharP
return (read cs)
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions docs/lectures.html
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -336,11 +336,17 @@ <h2 id="topics-notes-and-code">Topics, Notes and Code</h2>
<td style="text-align: left;"></td>
<td style="text-align: left;"><a href="">code</a></td>
<tr class="odd">
<td style="text-align: center;"><em>11/16</em></td>
<td style="text-align: left;">Property-based Testing</td>
<td style="text-align: left;">[html][14-testing]</td>
<td style="text-align: left;"></td>
<td style="text-align: left;"><a href="">code</a></td>
| | Monad Transformers | [html][13-transformers] | | [code][code-11-9] |
| | Property-based Testing | [html][14-testing] | | [code][code-11-16] |
| *11/16* | Monad Transformers | [html][13-transformers] | | [code][code-11-9] |
| | Concurrency | [html][15-stm] | [pdf][pfd13] | [code][code-11-23] |
| | Refinement Types | [1][lh1] [2][lh2] [3][lh3] [4][lh4] | | |
| *12/3* | Exceptions | [html][13-transformers] | [pdf][13-exceptions] | [code][code] |
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/static/code/cse230-code.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ library
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions static/code/src/lec_11_16_23.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
{-# HLINT ignore "Eta reduce" #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use lambda-case" #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Avoid lambda" #-}

module Lec_11_7_23 where

import Prelude hiding (getLine)
Expand Down

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