Whole cell model with plasmid loss experiments
Python 3.6+, see requirements.txt for python libraries used
Run main.py
with arguments stating the plasmid copy number (PCN
) and number of passages (n_passsages
python3 main.py --PCN 5 --n_passages 30
python3 main.py --help
to see other arguments
Configuration files are used to define the bioreactor environment and each strain (See example config files).
Each parameter definition take two values for uniform sampling, [lower_bound, upper_bound]
Make lower_bound == upper_bound
if the parameter is fixed
The prefix set in each config file is used to define the membership of paramters and species.
defines the bioreactor environment. For batch cultures efflux and influx are zerro,
k_in = d_s = 0
Chemostat simulations can be made by setting efflux and influx to constant values,
k_in = d_s > 0
defines a wild-type strain with no heterologous expression.
All parameters and species here present are essential to the model, their values can be changed
defines an engineered strain, expressing a heterologous protein, h
. We declare the necessary species
to the priors, the prefixes define the species type.
(mRNA-ribosome complex).
We also declare the necessary parameters for the heterologous expression.
(transcription rate),
(transcript length) and
(non-ribosome transcription threshold)