PerfTime is a simple and flexible utility for measuring function execution time. No depenencies.
It works by wrapping the
method and gives you a simple to use API for quick debugging purposes
npm i @tzwel/perftime
Then require it in your project
const perfTime = require('@tzwel/perftime')
You can pass your function to perfTime and then call the .run()
method. This exectues the function, measures its execution time and then logs the result.
new perfTime({function: yourFunctionHere}).run()
new perfTime({function: asyncFunction}).runAsync() // for asynchronous functions
function someRandomFunction() {
// initialize perfTime and start measuring
const measurement = new perfTime('function name (or you can leave this blank)').start()
// code to be measured goes here
measurement.stop() // stop the measurement and log results
// => Executing 'someRandomFunction' took 0.006400000000000735ms
You can also start the measurement at any point later:
const measurement = new perfTime({function: someRandomFunction})
// code to be measured goes here
The name of the measured function can be set in four different ways;
PerfTime accepts an options
object or a string
with a name as argument
new perfTime('some function name') // string name
new perfTime({functionName: 'some function name'}) // options object with provided function name
new perfTime({function: someFunction}) // options object with the function name derived automatically from the passed function
new perfTime() // empty, function gets called an *unnamed function*
You can measure a function multiple times and then get its average execution time
When getting average time, the first result always gets omitted because the first function call is always slower before optimizations take place
It can be done using the one-liner like this:
const measurement = new perfTime({function: someRandomFunction}).run(5) // benchmarks the function 5 times
console.log(measurement.averageTime) // log the average time of execution
// Async variant:
new perfTime({function: asyncFunction}).runAsync(5).then((measurement)=> {
Or inside the function like this:
function someRandomFunction() {
const measurement = new perfTime({function: someRandomFunction})
for (let index = 0; index < 15; index++) { // a for loop that executes code multiple times
// function code to be measured goes here
Or by wrapping the function call in a for loop (you can implement this however you want)
const measurement = new perfTime({function: someRandomFunction})
for (let index = 0; index < 15; index++) {
Currently async functions can only be benchmarked using runAsync
and are run one by one, not in parallel