Methods for working with the Lightning Network
To connect to an LND node, authentication details are required.
Export credentials via CLI:
npm install -g balanceofsatoshis
and export via bos credentials --cleartext
Or export them manually:
Run base64
on the tls.cert and admin.macaroon files to get the encoded
authentication data to create the LND connection. You can find these files in
the LND directory. (~/.lnd or ~/Library/Application Support/Lnd)
base64 ~/.lnd/tls.cert | tr -d '\n'
base64 ~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/admin.macaroon | tr -d '\n'
You can then use these to interact with your LND node directly:
const {authenticatedLndGrpc} = require('lightning');
const {lnd} = authenticatedLndGrpc({
cert: 'base64 encoded tls.cert file',
macaroon: 'base64 encoded admin.macaroon file',
socket: '',
To access unauthenticated methods like the wallet unlocker, use
There are two libraries, ln-service and this library.
Methods exported by this library support typescript, but ln-service includes additional metthods.
addPeer: Connect to a new peer
authenticatedLndGrpc: Instantiate connection to authenticated lnd methods.
broadcastChainTransaction: Publish an on-chain transaction to the network.
cancelHodlInvoice: Cancel an open invoice.
cancelPendingChannel: Cancel a pending channel.
closeChannel: Close a channel out to the chain.
changePassword: Update the wallet encryption passphrase.
connectWatchtower: Connect a new watchtower.
createChainAddress: Generate a chain address to receive on-chain funds.
createHodlInvoice: Make a new off-chain invoice that will not automatically accept payment.
createInvoice: Make a new off-chain invoice.
createSeed: Generate a random wallet HD seed.
createWallet: Make a new wallet.
decodePaymentRequest: Get parsed details for a payment request.
createWallet: Make a new wallet.
deleteFailedPayAttempts Remove failed payment paths from database.
deleteFailedPayments Remove failed payments from the database.
deleteForwardingReputations Clear pathfinding reputations of routing nodes and channels.
deletePayments: Remove all past payment records.
diffieHellmanComputeSecret: Calculate a shared secret to enable symmetric encryption of data to another node.
disableChannel: Signal disabled forwarding to a peer
disconnectWatchtower: Remove a connected watchtower
enableChannel: Signal forwarding enabled towards a peer.
fundPendingChannels: Provide a signed funding source for opening channels.
fundPsbt: Make a PSBT with funds and change to setup a future on-chain spend.
getAccessIds: List the access tokens granted permission to access the node.
getAutopilot: Retrieve channel open autopilot configuration.
getBackup: Get recovery details for a specific channel.
getBackups: Get recovery details for all channels.
getChainBalance: Get the amount of on-chain funds.
getChainFeeEstimate: Estimate a chain fee to send funds to an address.
getChainFeeRate: Get an estimate for an on-chain fee rate.
getChainTransactions: List past on-chain transactions.
getChannel: Lookup network graph details about a channel.
getChannelBalance: Calculate the total off-chain balance on the node.
getChannels: List open channels on the node.
getClosedChannels: List closed channels on the node.
getConnectedWatchtowers: List watchtowers that were added
getFeeRates: List routing fee rates and routing policies of channels on the node.
getForwardingConfidence: Calculate the pathfinding confidence score for routing a payment.
getForwardingReputations: List the pathfinding reputations for payment routing.
getForwards: List past forwards routed through the node.
getHeight: Lookup the current best chain height.
getIdentity: Derive the identity public key of the node.
getInvoice: Lookup the status of an invoice.
getInvoices: List details of all past open invoices and received payments.
getMethods: List RPC methods and permissions required to use them.
getNetworkCentrality: Calculate the graph centrality score of a node.
getNetworkGraph: List all graph routing nodes and all channels.
getNetworkInfo: Calculate network graph statistics.
getNode: Retrieve graph details for a node and optionally list its channels.
getPathfindingSettings: List out configuration options set for routing.
getPayment: Lookup details about a past payment.
getPayments: List details about past payment attempts and paid payment requests.
getPeers: List details of connected nodes.
getPendingChainBalance: Calculate the unconfirmed on-chain balance.
getPendingChannels: List details of opening or closing channels.
getPublicKey: Derive a public key at a given index.
getRouteThroughHops: Calculate a route through specified nodes.
getRouteToDestination: Calculate a route through the graph to a destination.
getSweepTransactions: List transactions that are sweeping funds on-chain.
getUtxos: List unspent transaction outputs in the on-chain wallet.
getWalletInfo: Lookup general details about the node.
getWalletVersion: Retrieve the version and build tags of the node.
grantAccess: Create an access credential macaroon to access the API.
isDestinationPayable: Check if a destination can be paid
lockUtxo: Lease a UTXO so it cannot be chosen to be spent.
openChannel: Create a new channel to another node.
openChannels: Open multiple channels in a single on-chain transaction batch.
pay: Make an off-chain payment.
payViaPaymentDetails: Pay off-chain using details about a destination invoice.
payViaPaymentRequest: Pay a payment request off-chain.
payViaRoutes: Pay to a destination using a specified route or routes.
prepareForChannelProposal: Prepare to receive a custom channel proposal.
probeForRoute: Run a probe to find a route to pay to a destination.
proposeChannel: Propose a new channel to a peer who has prepared for the channel proposal.
recoverFundsFromChannel: Attempt to recover channel funds from a specific channel backup.
recoverFundsFromChannels: Attempt to recover funds from multiple channels using a multiple channel backup.
removePeer: Disconnect from a connected peer.
revokeAccess: Remove the access privileges of a previously issued access token macaroon credential.
sendToChainAddress: Send funds on-chain to an address.
sendToChainAddresses: Send funds on-chain to multiple chain addresses.
setAutopilot: Set the open channel autopilot configuration settings.
settleHodlInvoice: Take incoming off-chain funds when an invoice has held funds from an incoming payment.
signBytes: Use node keys to sign over an arbitrary set of bytes.
signMessage: Use the node identity key to generate a signed message that represents the public graph node identity.
signPsbt: Sign inputs and finalize a partially signed transaction in the PSBT format to prepare it for broadcast.
signTransaction: Generate signatures required for inputs on a transaction.
stopDaemon: Send a shutdown request to cleanly kill the daemon.
subscribeToBackups: Get notified on channel funds recovery backup file updates.
subscribeToBlocks: Get notified when the Blockchain is updated.
subscribeToChainAddress: Get notified when funds are sent to an on-chain address.
subscribeToChainSpend: Get notified when a UTXO is spent.
subscribeToChannels: Get notified when the set of active channels is updated.
subscribeToForwardRequests: Get notified on requests to begin forward flows and interactively accept or reject or settle them.
subscribeToForwards: Get notified on off-chain routed payment events.
subscribeToGraph: Get notified of changes to the public routing graph nodes and channels.
subscribeToInvoice: Get notified of status updates for incoming payments.
subscribeToInvoices: Get notified of status updates on past created invoices.
subscribeToOpenRequests: Get notified on requests to open an inbound channel and interactively accept or reject them.
subscribeToPastPayment: Get notified of the current and ongoing status of a past off-chain payment.
subscribeToPayViaDetails: Make an off-chain payment using payment details and subscribe to the status of that payment.
subscribeToPayViaRequest: Make an off-chain payment using a payment request and subscribe to the payment status.
subscribeToPayViaRoutes: Start an off-chain payment using specific payment routes and subscribe to the payment result.
subscribeToProbeForRoute: Start an off-chain probe to find a payable route and get notified on the status of the probe.
subscribeToTransactions: Get notified on on-chain transaction activity.
subscribeToWalletStatus: Listen to updates to wallet state
unauthenticatedLndGrpc: Create an lnd object for use with methods that do not require authentication credentials.
unlockUtxo: Release a lease on a wallet UTXO to allow it to be selected for spending again.
unlockWallet: Decrypt the wallet and start the daemon
updateChainTransaction: Edit the metadata of an on-chain transaction record.
updateConnectedWatchtower: Edit the settings on an added watchtower
updatePathfindingSettings: Edit the configuration for routing calculations
updateRoutingFees: Set the forwarding fees or other routing policies for a channel or all channels.
verifyBackup: Check if a channel fund recovery backup file is valid.
verifyBackups: Check if multiple channel fund recovery backups are valid.
verifyBytesSignature: Check that a signature over arbitrary bytes is valid.
verifyMessage: Check that a message from a node in the graph has a valid signature.