At the first boot you need to configure some point on the board.
Please see genssl-demo
which is present on the board as /usr/bin/genssl-demo
- Ethernet: eth0 static (for administration purpose), eth1 DHCP, eth2 unmanaged (because of Codico)
- LTE: configured as usb0 (kernel driver added)
- Bluetooth: not configured (coming soon)
- Wifi Configuration: manually configured as wlan0
Thanks to some Linux settings and firewallD rules, this is possible to allow traffic between differents interfaces as needed for the project.
- auth-binding-rs
- charging-binding-rs
- dbus-binding
- display-binding-rs
- energy-binding-rs
- i2c-binding-rs
- linky-binding-rs
- ocpp-binding-rs
- scard-binding-rs
- slac-binding-rs
- ti-am62x-binding-rs
- evse-energy-manager-binder
- evse-display-manager-binder
- evse-charging-manager-binder
- evse-auth-manager-binder
- evse-dbus-test-binder
In the Demo, tcp port are used to test binding (thanks to the devtools server of the binder).
The syntax of the devtools server URL is:
Only one binder can used a port at a time.
Binder | devtools tcp port | API | tcp port |
energy-binding-rs | 1235 | engy | 12351 |
display-binding-rs | 1236 | - | - |
charging-binding-rs | 1237 | chmgr | 12371 |
auth-binding-rs | 1238 | auth | 12381 |
dbus-binding | 1239 | dbus | 12391 |
For a generic test of a binding:
Binding | tcp port |
Generic binding | 1234 |
Each binding has a script to test it, as:
Each binder manager has is own tcp port reserve:
Binder | tcp port |
evse-energy-manager-binder | 1235 |
evse-display-manager-binder | 1236 |
evse-charging-manager-binder | 1237 |
evse-auth-manager-binder | 1238 |
evse-dbus-test-binder | 1239 |
Each binder manager has a script to test it, as: