Cordova Plugin using libVLC
Tutorial to compile from source:
Latest stable version from npm:
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-libvlc
Bleeding edge version from Github:
$ cordova plugin add
// returns {
event_name: '',
data: null
// events names: onPlayVlc, onPauseVlc, onStopVlc, onVideoEnd, onDestroyVlc, onError, getPosition
// options: {autoPlay: true, hideControls: false}'path-to-video', [options], [success], [failed]);
libVLCPlayer.stop([success], [failed]);
libVLCPlayer.pause([success], [failed]);
libVLCPlayer.playNext('path-to-next-video', [options], [success], [failed]);
libVLCPlayer.stop([success], [failed]);
// returns: {position, current_location (00:00), duration (00:00)}
libVLCPlayer.getPosition([success], [failed]);
// position must be 1 to 100 only
libVLCPlayer.seekPosition(1, [success], [failed]);
Cordova Plugin using libVLC is licensed under the Apache License (ASL) license. For more information, see the LICENSE file in this repository.