A Pythonic, expression-oriented language implemented in Python.
Standard install:
python3 setup.py install
If you are developing the module:
python3 setup.py develop
usage: ipyre [-h] [-a {repl,stdin,load}] [-f FILE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help
show this help message and exit
-a {repl,stdin,load}, --action {repl,stdin,load}
what to execute: the repl, from stdin or load a file.
-f FILE, --file FILE
the file to load
- While loops
- Error handling (all errors)
- Function defitions and calls
- Attribute access
- Variable assignment and scoping
- Blocks, return and break
- For loops
- Python interop
- Variable mutability modifiers
- Generators
- Error handling (specific errors)
- Most of the Pyre object space
- Most of the Pyre standard library