The verilated RTL modifier (vRTLmod) is an LLVM based open-source tool to enable fault injection in verilator RTL (vRTL) simulations.
Within an Clang-Frontend (LLVM) tool it automatically adds fault injection capability to Verilator output. Additionally, vRTLmod
can make use of its own XML output *-vrtlmod.xml
as a whitelist filter argument to allow manual steering of wanted/unwanted injectable variables.
If you use vRTLmod in your academic work you can cite it like this:
vRTLmod Publication
author = {Geier, Johannes and Mueller-Gritschneder, Daniel},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers},
doi = {10.1145/3587135.3591435},
pages = {387--388},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
series = {20th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers},
title = {{vRTLmod: An LLVM Based Open-Source Tool to Enable Fault Injection in Verilator RTL Simulations}},
url = {},
year = {2023}
Besides standard (gmake, cmake, gcc, ...)
- Verilator - tested with v4.202, v4.204, and v4.228 (see: and install guide). Currently no support for Verilator version <4 and >4!
- LLVM - tested v13.0.1 built with
-D LLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;clang-tools-extra"
- Boost filesystem
- For Tests: Conan v<2.0, tested with 1.59.0 (
pip install --force-reinstall "conan==1.59.0"
- Required environment:
[BUILD]: export LLVM_DIR=<path/to/llvm/install/dir>/lib/cmake/llvm
[BUILD]: export VERILATOR_ROOT=<path/to/verilator/build/or/install/directory>
- CMake command line arguments:
cmake -S . -B build -D LLVM_DIR=<path/to/llvm/install/dir> -D VERILATOR_ROOT=<path/to/verilator/build/or/install/directory> [-D BUILD_TESTING=Off]
cmake --build build
Required inputs:
- Verilator output:
- Verilator output:
vrtlmod [--systemc] [--wl-regxml=<*-vrtlmod.xml>] --out=<outputdir> <VRTL-Cpp-files> -- clang++ -I<VRTL-Hpp-dir> -I$LLVM_DIR/lib/clang/.../include -I$VERILATOR_ROOT/include [-I<path/to/systemc/include>]
or use installed vrtlmod-config.cmake
in CMake environment.
The output can be found at <outputdir>/
in form of altered Cpp files (<vRTL-Cpp-files>
) and the built injection API inside <outputdir>/
in the form of <top>_vrtlmodapi.{cpp,hpp}
including the target dictionary and API wrapper.
option in cmake enables a SystemC and C++ verilate->vrtlmod flow for the test/fiapp/
SystemVerilog example.
In addition, a SystemC (test/fiapp/sc_fiapp_test.cpp
) and C++ (test/fiapp/fiapp_test.cpp
) testbench showcases the usage of the generated fault injection API.
These tests are intended, both, as a form of unit-tests for vrtlmod
as well as an example for its integration in other fault injection projects.