ROS package for UR5 manipulation at MuLIP Lab, Tufts.
- Ubuntu 18.04
- ROS Melodic
cd <location_of_your_workspace>/src
git clone
- Make sure the camera is plugged into the computer vis USB
- Launch camera driver:
roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch filters:=pointcloud
- Make sure the ReSpeaker Microphone Array is plugged into the computer vis USB
- Check audio device name:
arecord -l
- Install microphone driver:
roslaunch respeaker_ros respeaker.launch
sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0
- Launch drivers and MoveIt:
roslaunch turbo_bringup right_arm.launch
- In the teach pendant of UR5, select Program Robot > Load Program > Open ur_driver.upr > Press play
rosrun turbo_manipulation
roslaunch joint_recorder recordingService.launch numTopics:=3 topicName1:=/right/joint_states topicName2:=/gripper/joint_states topicName3:=/right/wrench
roslaunch gpd_ros ur5.launch
rosrun turbo_robot_vision filter_points
rosrun turbo_manipulation