Original project repository: TorrServer
This repository only autobuilds TorrServer releases using legacy go1.21.4 for Windows.
This assembly is fully automated and provided by AS-IS.
You can find the build script in the repository.
Build starts 15:30 UTC daily (18:30 MSK).
Starting with go1.21.5, applications built using it do not run on Windows 7.
TorrServer Matrix.129 is already built using go1.21.6 and it does not run on Windows 7.
Support for Windows 7 ended with go1.21.0, but applications still worked up to version 1.21.4 inclusive.
TorrServer uses components only available in go1.21.
Thus, it is unknown how long it will be possible to support the build using go1.21.4, the latest compatible with Windows 7.