Virtual reality 360 degree player for 36 Technology Ltd, INC. by Trutoo AB.
To get started you are going to need Node v6.0+ and BASH (only for deploying). Windows users can use a tool like: CASH or Cygwin. Then clone this repository either with a GUI or with the following command:
$ git clone
Finally install all dependencies with:
$ npm install
Bellow are a list of NPM scripts that you can run to aid development.
Command | Description |
npm start |
Compiles the game and serves a local node against the dev environment |
npm run build:[prod/dev] |
Compiles the game against the targeted environment |
npm run deploy |
Runs a bash script to deploy the latest commit to gh-pages |
Now you are ready to build with ❤!
The available documentation can be found in this read me and in an API reference that can be found on these Github pages API reference.
To create a new stage use Marzipano's web based tool and accompanied by your own generated images. Supported parameters are as follows:
- Sphere (equirectangular) or cubefaces
- Equirectangular aspect ratio 2:1
- Cube filename suffixes _b, _d, _f, _l, _r, _u
- Maximum sphere size 23000x11500px
- Maximum cube size 16000x16000px
-- Structure --
├─ tiles/
│ └─ 0-scene-id/
│ └─ left/
│ └─ 1/
│ └─ f/
│ └─ y/
│ └─ x.jpg
└─ stage.json
-- Definition --
Tiles: folder defined by stage.json for scenes, eyes, levels, faces, y, and x.
Scenes: one for each scene id set in the Marzipano tool.
Eyes: scenes must contain both a left and a right eye (must be created manually).
Levels: larger images are split n times into smaller tile levels to improve loading.
Faces: levels must contain all 6 faces [b: back, d: down, f: front, l: left, r: right, u: up].
Y: the vertical coordinate of tile.
X: the horizontal coordinate of tile and file extension jpg.
stage.json: Main stage configuration file using JSON format* described below
"scenes": [
"id": "0-livingroom",
"name": "livingroom",
"levels": [
"tileSize": 256,
"size": 256,
"fallbackOnly": true
"tileSize": 512,
"size": 512
"tileSize": 512,
"size": 1024
"faceSize": 1024,
"initialViewParameters": {
"yaw": -1.570796326794896,
"pitch": 0,
"fov": 2.054169029464864
"linkHotspots": [
"yaw": -2.4996301372377463,
"pitch": 0.02247465151891248,
"rotation": 5.497787143782138,
"target": "2-kitchen"
"yaw": 2.609813231764882,
"pitch": 0.04549510798771905,
"rotation": 4.71238898038469,
"target": "1-bedroom"
"infoHotspots": [
"yaw": 0.1561130966751321,
"pitch": -0.1087112728817754,
"title": "This is the view",
"text": "The view is amazing"
Download the project to build it or use the supplied built libraries vr360player.css and vr360player.js in for example the below format.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta content="target-densitydpi=device-dpi, width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, minimal-ui" name="viewport">
<meta content="ie=edge" http-equiv="x-ua-compatible">
<style>@-ms-viewport { width: device-width; }</style>
<title>VR 360 Player</title>
<!-- Player CSS Library -->
<link href="vr360player.css" rel="stylesheet">
<!-- Player Container -->
<div id="vr-360-player"></div>
<!-- Player Controls -->
<menu class="shown" id="controls">
<a class="icon_orientation_drag" id="sensor-toggler" style="display: none"></a>
<a class="icon_eye_left" id="eye-toggler" style="display: none"></a>
<a class="icon_vr" id="mode-toggler"></a>
<!-- Player Crosshair -->
<i id="crosshair"></i>
<!-- Player JavaScript Library -->
<script src="vr360player.js"></script>
<!-- Player Initialization: can be extracted to an external js file. -->
var player = new VR360Player.default(
|Plugin|Version| |---|---|---| |core-js|^2.4.1| |marzipano|git+| |normalize.css|^5.0.0|
|Plugin|Version| |---|---|---| |@types/core-js|^0.9.34| |@types/node|^6.0.46| |autoprefixer|^6.5.3| |awesome-typescript-loader|^2.2.4| |css-loader|^0.25.0| |extract-text-webpack-plugin|^2.0.0-beta.4| |file-loader|^0.9.0| |html-webpack-plugin|^2.24.1| |ify-loader|^1.0.3| |node-sass|^3.11.2| |path|^0.12.7| |postcss-loader|^1.1.1| |pug|^2.0.0-beta6| |pug-loader|^2.3.0| |raw-loader|^0.5.1| |rimraf|^2.5.4| |sass-loader|^4.0.2| |typedoc|^0.5.1| |typedoc-webpack-plugin|^1.1.3| |typescript|^2.0.8| |url-loader|^0.5.7| |webpack|^2.1.0-beta.25| |webpack-dev-server|^2.1.0-beta.10| |webpack-merge|^0.15.0|