This is a curated collection of free Machine Learning related eBooks available on the Internet. Please feel free to share and learn.
You may visit Free-Deep-Learning-Books for Deep Learning books.
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Disclaimer: The contributor(s) cannot be held responsible for any misuse of the data.
You can find all the books listed below in book folder of this repo:
- A Course in Machine Learning [Download]
- Advanced Machine Learning with Python [Download]
- Big Data, Data Mining, and Machine Learning [Download]
- Building Intelligent Systems - A Guide to Machine Learning Engineering [Download]
- Building Machine Learning Systems with Python - Second Edition [Download]
- Designing Machine Learning Systems with Python [Download]
- Introduction to Machine Learning with Python [Download]
- Introduction To Python Programming - Beginner's Guide To Computer Programming And Machine Learning [Download]
- Large Scale Machine Learning with Python [Download]
- Large Scale Machine Learning with Spark [Download]
- Learning Generative Adversarial Networks [Download]
- Learning NumPy Array [Download]
- Learning scikit-learn - Machine Learning in Python [Download]
- Machine Learning - Hands-On for Developers and Technical Professionals [Download]
- Machine Learning - Jason Bell [Download]
- Machine Learning for Developers [Download]
- Machine Learning for Email [Download]
- Machine Learning for Hackers [Download]
- Machine Learning for the Web [Download]
- Machine Learning in Action - 中文版 [Download]
- Machine Learning in Action [Download]
- Machine Learning in Java [Download]
- Machine Learning Projects for .NET Developers [Download]
- Machine Learning Using C# Succinctly [Download]
- Machine Learning with Spark [Download]
- Mastering .NET Machine Learning [Download]
- Mastering Machine Learning with Python in Six Steps [Download]
- Mastering Machine Learning with scikit-learn - Second Edition [Download]
- Mastering Scala Machine Learning [Download]
- Microsoft Azure Machine Learning [Download]
- Neural Network Programming with Java [Download]
- Neural Networks Using C# Succinctly [Download]
- Practical Machine Learning with H2O - Powerful, Scalable Techniques for Deep Learning and AI [Download]
- Practical Machine Learning [Download]
- Practical Reinforcement Learning [Download]
- Python - Deeper Insights into Machine Learning [Download]
- Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning [Download]
- Python Machine Learning Blueprints [Download]
- Python Machine Learning By Example [Download]
- Python Machine Learning Case Studies [Download]
- Python Machine Learning Cookbook - Early Release [Download]
- Python Machine Learning Cookbook [Download]
- Python Machine Learning [Download]
- Python Real World Machine Learning [Download]
- Quantum Machine Learning - Peter Wittek [Download]
- Real-World Machine Learning [Download]
- Reinforcement Learning - With Open AI, TensorFlow and Keras Using Python [Download]
- Scala for Machine Learning [Download]
- scikit-learn Cookbook - Second Edition [Download]
- Thoughtful Machine Learning with Python A Test-Driven Approach [Download]
- Thoughtful Machine Learning with Python [Download]
- Using Python to Develop Analytics, Control and Machine Learning Products [Download]
- What You Need to Know about Machine Learning [Download]
- What You Need to Know about R [Download]