Do check out the working application hosted on Firebase on this link
This is a sample Library application using Ember and Firebase as DB. It has following pages with mentioned functionalities: 1.index: you can enter an email id and hit request invitation. the email gets saved into the DB. Mind you you can't get away with random text in email field its validated :p 2.About: it is just a naviagtion page which is empty. 3.Contact: It has a form which takes an email Id and a message box which are validated too. 4.Libraries: You can Add, Update and Delete lists (Demontrated CRUD operations) 5.Admin: It is used to display the incoming "Invitation Request" from home page and "Send messages" from contact page
You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.
git clone <repository-url>
this repository- change into the new directory
npm install
bower install
ember serve
- Visit your app at http://localhost:4200.
Make use of the many generators for code, try ember help generate
for more details
ember test
ember test --server
ember build
(development)ember build --environment production
Specify what it takes to deploy your app.