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Releases: trifleneurotic/EmbySonic

01 Apr 21:39
Choose a tag to compare Pre-release

EmbySonic v0.0.1.2-alpha pre-release

This debug build is not API feature-complete at all, nor is it ready for any kind of production or "normal" use. Work is continuing on this project but feedback at this very early stage is still welcome.

Installation steps will depend on the platform you currently use for your Emby server, but at a high level, you will simply need to:

  1. Shut down your Emby server.
  2. Copy the .dll assembly to your Emby server's plugins directory.
  3. Start up your Emby server.

Don't be surprised at this stage if it does not function properly, or function whatsoever. That said, feel free to open an issue to make sure something is tracked & eventually addressed.
