Elmslie is a minimalistic reactive implementation of TEA/ELM written in kotlin with java support.
Named after George Grant Elmslie, a Scottish-born architect.
- Scalable and Reusable: Built-in support for nesting components
- Reactive: Written with pure Kotlin, but has compatibility mode with RxJava2, RxJava3 and Coroutines
- Single immutable state: Simplify state management
- UDF: Say no to spaghetti code with Unidirectional Data Flow
This is a visual representation of the architecture:
For more info head to the wiki
Samples are available here
- Basic loader for android: link
- Pure kotlin calculator: link
- Pure java notes: link
- Paging with compose: link
Plugin is available at the Jetbrains plugin repository More info in the wiki article
Library is distributed through JitPack
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
- Core - for pure kotlin ELM implementation
implementation 'com.github.vivid-money.elmslie:elmslie-core:{latest-version}'
- Android - for android apps only, simplifies lifecycle handling
implementation 'com.github.vivid-money.elmslie:elmslie-android:{latest-version}'
- RxJava 2 - compatibility module (more info in the wiki article)
implementation 'com.github.vivid-money.elmslie:elmslie-rxjava-2:{latest-version}'
- Jetpack Compose - for android apps only, simplifies using jetpack compose (not required)
implementation 'com.github.vivid-money.elmslie:elmslie-compose:{latest-version}'