Feathers Vuex
This is the Feathers Chat single page application using the feathers-vuex Feathers client [email protected].
Build high-performance VueJS user interfaces in record time https://quasar.dev/
change directory name
cd into directory
docker-compose build
docker-compose run --rm frontend sh
quasar create
(choose yes at last prompt about npm install)
quasar upgrade -i
quasar dev
See it compile and start the dev server, then ctrl-c
(It will not be able to open the default browser from the container, it will also not be visible since we did not define an external port )
npm view feathers-vuex
Choose the latest 2.0.0pre unless 2.0 is now out.
npm i —save feathers-vuex@chosen-tag
docker-compose run --rm api sh
feathers generate app
docker-compose build
(Will bake the node_modules into our images)
now test that quasar works:
docker-compose run --rm -p 8080:8080 frontend
And go to localhost:8080 with a browser
exit that container
Do the same for api on port 3030
If you run into issues you can alway sh into the container to fiddle:
docker-compose run --rm container_name sh
When both containers work satisfactorily, stop them and bring the whole network up by doing:
docker-compose up