This is the first project in my bachelor's years.
A multiple IoT gateway where integrate 6LowPAN and mesh Wifi in a single device. The other devices which are running 6LoWPAN or mesh Wifi can connect to this gateway and send their information. Additionally, the data from sensors will be showed real-time on device's monitor.
- 🛳️ ESP8266 module
- server.ino - The server : Receive data and publish it to CloudMQTT
- dht11_node.ino, light_node.ino - The sensor nodes collect data and send to others in mesh network (of course include server)
- 📊 LCD function
- - This file I designed by using PyQt5 Designer
- - Run this file to display in 3.5 inch LCD Raspberry Pi
- 🎯 The main function, where connect 6LoWPAN, mesh wifi and the other functions.