TracefyClients is a Python package that provides client implementations for various backend services commonly used in web applications. It includes clients for interacting with AWS DynamoDB, MySQL databases, and integrates with the Flask web framework.
You can install TracefyClients using pip:
pip install TracefyClients
Make sure to have the required dependencies listed in requirements.txt installed as well.
The DynamoDBClient class allows you to interact with AWS DynamoDB. You can initialize it with your AWS credentials and other configurations:
from TracefyClients.dynamo_db_client import DynamoDBClient
# Initialize the client
db_client = DynamoDBClient()
# Put an item into the DynamoDB table
waypoint = {"id": "123", "name": "Sample Waypoint"}
The FlaskClient class sets up a Flask application with CORS support and integrates with Sentry for error monitoring. You can create an instance and configure the Flask app:
from TracefyClients.flask_client import FlaskClient
# Initialize the Flask app
flask_client = FlaskClient()
app = flask_client.get_client()
# Define your routes and application logic here
The SQLClient class provides a client for MySQL databases. You can use it to execute SQL queries and fetch data:
from TracefyClients.sql_client import SQLClient
# Initialize the SQL client
sql_client = SQLClient()
# Execute a SQL query
query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = %s"
params = ("john_doe",)
result = sql_client.fetch_one(query, params)
The SQSClient class creates a boto3 resource and a queue object that is used to receive and send messages to SQS
from TracefyClients.sql_client import SQSClient
# Initialize the SQS client
sqs_client = SQSClient()
# get amount of messsages in the queue
num_messages = sqs_client.messages_in_queue()
# Loop through the amount of messages in the queue and decompress_message
for _ in range(num_messages):
msg = sqs_client.get_messages()[0]
data = sqs_client.decompress_message(msg)
#Be sure to remove the message when done
The secretsmanager utiliy module lets you load your secrets into your environment at the start of your application
from TracefyClients.secretsmanager import secretsmanager_loadenv
if __name__ == "__main__":
# The secrets need to be a JSON object of key value pairs, where each value is strictly a string (otherwise a Exception is thrown)
# Example secret value: { "MYSQL_USER": "example-user", "MYSQL_PASSWORD": "example-password" }
# region_name can be excluded if AWS_DEFAULT_REGION is defined
# Or you can pass the secret names directly (both simple name or arn are supported)
secretsmanager_loadenv(secrets=["secret1", "secret2"], region_name="eu-central-1")
# Start orther clients that depend on those environment variables
sqs_client = SQSClient()
You can configure the clients by setting environment variables or using a .env file. Refer to the respective client files for available configuration options.
- MYSQL_POOL_SIZE The size of the connection pool used, default 5 connections
- MYSQL_POOL_RETRIES The amount of retries when getting a connection from the pool fails, default 5 retries
- MYSQL_POOL_WAIT_INTERVAL The time between the retries, default 0.5 seconds
This project is licensed under the MIT License.