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Automotive Message Broker is a vehicle network abstraction system.  It brokers information from the vehicle
to applications.

Automotive Message Broker is built using CMake and requires libltdl (libtool), json-glib, and boost packages.  

To build:

cd automotive-message-broker
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

To install:

sudo make install

To run:


ambd can load different plugins.  The config file specifies what plugins to use.  The default config located in
/etc/ambd/config.  You can change this or use your own config to have ambd use your own plugins.  For example:

# copy the config to your own config
cp /etc/ambd/config myconfig

# edit myconfig and specify the path to your plugin:
# change the line: 
"sources" : [ { "path" : "../plugins/" } ],
# to:
"sources" : [ { "path" : "/path/to/" } ],

Now you can run ambd with:

ambd -c /path/to/myconfig

also see ambd -h

Running on multiple machines

ambd can run on multiple machines and share data across a network.  This is primarily done through the websocket
sink and source plugins.  The server machine, the machine with physical access to data, runs the 
websocket sink plugin and the client, the machine elsewhere on the network, runs the websocket source plugin.

There are example configurations in the source called "configwebsocketsink" and "configwebsocketsource" that
show how to configure ambd.  These are found in the examples folder.

Here's an example on how to run:

cd automotive-message-broker/examples
ambd -c configwebsocketsink

(in another terminal)
ambd -c configwebsocketsource

TODO: link to website for questions/comments


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